Rosehip flowers can be seen on porcelain cups and saucers, on wooden and silver boxes, on napkins and pillowcases. In a word, this is a fairly popular motive for decorating a variety of objects, not to mention the fact that rosehip flowers are beautiful in themselves. Try to draw it. This can be done with paints, crayons, charcoal, pencils - in a word, with what is at hand.

It all starts with a spot
It is quite simple to draw a rose hip bush. Draw a straight line parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet. Draw a rectangle or square with one side on this horizontal line. Round the corners strongly, outline the contour with quick strokes, which are a continuous accordion, in several places draw large flowers of five petals. Fill in the crown with quick, circular strokes - here's a bush for you.
A rosehip branch is a little more difficult to draw, because you need to draw small details. But start it too with a spot. Pick a spot (for example, closer to the middle of the sheet) and draw an irregular circle. The flower will be located here. You can immediately outline its center and the position of the petals.
On a rose hip bush, there can be flowers, buds, and fruits at the same time.
Define directions
Starting from the flower, draw some thin lines in arbitrary directions. It is important for you to determine the position of branches, leaves, fruits. You can immediately draw several circles or ovals - rose hips can be either round or slightly elongated.
You can place a bud next to the flower. Draw a trapezoid with very short bases and long sides. Round the corners. Connect all elements of the composition with thin lines.
There may be several buds in the picture, but the opened flower will look better if it is alone.
Rosehip leaf
Examine the leaf of this plant. It is complex, consisting of several small leaves arranged in pairs along the central vein. The leaves have an almost regular oval shape. Draw a center vein. It ends with a single oval leaf. Place the rest of the leaves in pairs, at some angle to the central vein. The picture does not have to be a whole leaf, you can depict only its individual fragments - for example, if it is behind a flower.
Submit the form
If you are not going to color your drawing, convey the shape of the plant using hatching. Trace the outlines of the flower and individual petals. It is better to do this with smooth long lines with different pressure. At the peduncle, the line should be slightly thicker and darker than at the upper edge of the petal. Draw two or three more long straight strokes from the middle towards the upper edge of the petal. Leaves that have short teeth are best outlined with short, quick strokes.
Color the drawing
When drawing with paints, the pencil lines should be as subtle as possible. It is better to paint with ordinary watercolors. Fill the contours of the flower with pink paint. Try to keep the first layer as even as possible. Make a darker fill around the edges of the petals. You can trace the contours, for example, with crayons or crayons.