How To Draw A Rose With A Pencil

How To Draw A Rose With A Pencil
How To Draw A Rose With A Pencil

Table of contents:


A rose is a beautiful and complex enough in shape and structure flower, in order for it to be similar and expressive, you need to depict its parts in connection with each other, be attentive to bends and details.

How to draw a rose with a pencil
How to draw a rose with a pencil

It is necessary

Paper, pencils, rose, time, focus and mindfulness


Step 1

Consider carefully a living rose, its shape and structure, the way the petals are wrapped and the leaves are arranged. If possible, compare several flowers with each other. Place the rose under lighting so that the contrasting light helps to reveal the features of the structure, the location of individual parts, so that there are interesting spots of light and shadow. Choose the most effective bud shape. After that, draw the outlines of the rose on paper, try to convey the external features of the flower. Start by drawing simple shapes, draw them in connection and relationship with each other, you can generalize them a little. If it is difficult to convey some form, then draw a space around it, with this you will depict something that does not lend itself otherwise. Try to convey something that helps reflect the character of the flower. Give the bud an oval shape and draw a stem. Draw some large petals using S curved lines. Add the side petals and the ones in the back. Draw some small, pointed leaves at the base of the bud. As you paint, try to move your entire hand, not just your fingers. Look longer at the bud than at the sheet of paper. Try not to change your position during the drawing, as this will shift the proportions and ratios within the drawing.

Step 2

Take a close look at the drawing you get. Which of the lines can be made more interesting and graceful? Where to add details? Also remove the excess with an eraser. Draw the most interesting and characteristic details.

Step 3

Use shading to give the shape and volume to the bud in the drawings. Draw the hatching lines in the shape of the flower parts. Change the density of lines, the direction of shading, the degree of pressure on the pencil, Do not drag or do too much shading. Pay more attention to the foreground.
