The sound quality when playing any instrument largely depends on the position of the hands and the ability to take the correct posture. Of course, rock music performers sometimes take the most incredible positions while playing, just like flamenco virtuosos. But the musician can choose the optimal position of the body and hands when he masters the technique. It is better to start with the posture adopted by the classical guitar music performers.

Where to begin
Before you start learning, you need to get to know the instrument properly. Try tuning your guitar. It is better to do it yourself from the very beginning, especially since finding an electronic tuner is now not difficult, as, indeed, the tuning scheme. You may need to tweak the height of the neck, undercut saddles, etc. In a word, the guitar must be ready to practice, just like the musician himself. To learn how to hold a classical guitar correctly, you will need a low bench. You can buy it in the same place where the tools are sold, or you can make it yourself. At first, the tools at hand will also work - a stack of books or a small wooden box. The height of the stand should be about 15-20 cm. Some guitarists order reclining benches for themselves so that the heel and toe are at different heights.
Guitarist Pose
Sit in a chair. It must be strong and stable enough. It is better to choose a chair with four legs. The chair does not fit because it is difficult to sit upright in it. Lean forward slightly. Pay particular attention to the position of your shoulders. They should be free, as well as hands. Stress not only interferes with correct sound production, but can be detrimental to health. Place your left foot on a bench. The leg should be steady. This position may not seem very comfortable at first, but very soon you will get used to it.
Guitar position
Take your guitar. Place it with the cutout on the thigh of your left leg on the bench. The neck should be in your left hand, unless, of course, you are left-handed. The headstock should be at the same level as your left shoulder. The neck should be positioned so that, turning your head slightly to the left, you can clearly see even the first frets. Take your right leg a little to the side. Distance is determined empirically. In any case, the guitar must be stable. Men and women playing classical guitar sit slightly differently. A woman usually takes her right leg back a little and puts it on her toe. This position is more comfortable if the performer is in a long dress and high-heeled shoes. But modern guitarists quite often perform in trousers, so the male pose is quite appropriate.
Hand position
The "starting position" of your left hand depends on whether you are playing a six-string guitar or a seven-string guitar. When playing the six-string, the neck rests on the left thumb. The wrist is bent but loose. Fingers clamp different frets with pads. For seven-string players, the neck can rest on the palm of the left hand, since the technique is often used when the thumb grips the sixth or seventh string from above. The right hand touches the shell at the point between the wrist and the elbow, and the hand is above the rosette. There are some techniques where the right hand is placed on the stand with an edge, but you will have to master this type of technique later.