How To Hold An Electric Guitar

How To Hold An Electric Guitar
How To Hold An Electric Guitar

Table of contents:


The electric guitar is an electronic type of string-plucked musical instrument. With a large number of similarities (notation system, number and tuning of strings, basic playing techniques), the electric guitar also has differences, including in the manner of holding the instrument.

How to hold an electric guitar
How to hold an electric guitar


Step 1

The electric guitar is played while standing (on the classical sitting, with a special stand, etc.). Therefore, support on the thigh is excluded. For this reason, the electric guitar uses a special strap that attaches to the headstock and bottom of the body. The belt is thrown over the head.

Step 2

The neck, like a regular guitar, is on the left, above the body. It should be at such a height that the left arm bent at the elbow can freely move along it without experiencing tension. The fingers, except for the thumb, are located on the outer (visible to viewers) side of the neck.

Step 3

Unlike the classical setting, where the thumb rests strictly on the middle of the neck from behind, on an electric guitar it is allowed to wrap around the neck completely. The tip of the thumb may be visible from behind the bar and even bend slightly in the phalanx. In addition, a strong bend of the wrist is allowed, especially in some techniques. Comfort plays an important role here: if you feel pain, then you are doing something wrong.

Step 4

The position of the right hand also has significant differences. Unlike the classical school, the hand can touch the strings, for example, when muffling with the edge of the palm. In addition, the picking technique is used more often than the finger technique. The position of the hand depends on the specific technique of the game. Including displacements of the hand along the body are permissible to give a specific color to the sound (in the classics, you must hold your hand strictly above the resonance hole).

Step 5

It is allowed to hold the electric guitar horizontally (with your hands on the lower deck, like a person on your back), vertically or in other non-standard positions. However, such positions are rather permissible as a stage effect and are possible only with a good knowledge of the part and the ability to perform it “blindly”.
