You went on a hike and decided to sing songs by the fire. You start tuning your guitar - and suddenly the unexpected happens. The string breaks, and you have no spare with you. You should not refuse a pleasant evening. Just try tuning your guitar without a string.

It is necessary
- Guitar key
- Tuning fork (desirable)
Step 1
Remove the damaged string.
Step 2
Determine which strings you need the most and which ones you use less often. The first, second, third and sixth are required. The fourth and fifth can be dispensed with by changing the fingering while playing.
Step 3
If the first string breaks, replace it with a second. In place of the second, pull the third, instead of the third - the fourth. Skip the fourth string and leave the fifth and sixth strings in their places. Likewise, rearrange a few strings if your second or third breaks.
Step 4
Tune the first string to a tuning fork or by ear. The pitch should be familiar to you.
Step 5
Tune the second and third strings in the usual way. The second string on a six-string guitar, when held at the 5th fret, should match the first. The third string must be clamped at the fourth fret so that it sounds in unison with the second.
Step 6
Calculate at what fret you need to hold the fifth string so that it matches the sound of the open third. The fourth string is missing. On a six-string guitar, you need to hold the 5th string at the 10th fret. On a seven-string guitar, the fifth string is built in octave from the second, so you don't need to count anything.
Step 7
Tune the bass strings in the usual way.
Step 8
Adjust the height of the neck so there is no constriction.