How To Tune A Guitar Without A Tuner

How To Tune A Guitar Without A Tuner
How To Tune A Guitar Without A Tuner

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As a rule, it is difficult for a beginner musician to delve into the process of tuning a guitar, in which one should rely on auditory data. Therefore, it is preferable for everyone to use tuners. They are portable, easy to use, accurate, but notoriously short-lived. And in general, it is better to always rely only on yourself in everything. Moreover, having figured out the basic tricks, you will be able to independently tune your guitar without any problems.

Six string guitar
Six string guitar

Mood is important

The proposed method for tuning a six-string acoustic guitar is quite descriptive and relatively simple. The trick lies in tuning one single string, which should be repelled in subsequent operations.

String # 1: The thinnest string has no winding and is located at the bottom. This is the basic string from which to start tuning a six-string guitar. In sound, it should be equated to the E (Mi) note of the first octave. For orientation, you can take the Mi note of an already tuned instrument as a sample or use the corresponding program on your PC. In addition, the E note is comparable in tonality to a beep sounding mournfully in a telephone.

For greater accuracy, learn to use a tuning fork. For those who have not come across, a portable "whistle" is called a tuning fork, which clearly reproduces A (A). By holding the first string at the 5th fret, you will receive the note A, and in the open (unclamped) state, an E will sound.

String # 2: Of course, the one just above the first. It is clamped at the 5th fret and adjusted until it sounds similar to the first open (unclamped) E string.

String # 3: It differs from the other five in that it is tuned at the 4th fret rather than the 5th fret. The principle is the same, hold it on the fourth fret and adjust it to the sound of the second open fret.

String # 4: Adjusts similar to the first two. Clamp the fifth fret and by adjusting you achieve a sound that coincides with the previous (3rd) in an unclamped form.

String # 5: Clamp at the 5th fret, twist the peg until you get the same sound as the fourth open.

String # 6: This is the bass string, the highest and thickest string. Its configuration scheme does not differ from the previous ones. Press on the 5th fret and adjust the sound to the 5th fret, as before, open. If everything is done correctly and according to the scheme, then eventually the sixth string will sound in unison with the first, but with a difference of two octaves.

Finishing touch

So, after tuning all the strings one by one, it is recommended to walk through them again, making, so to speak, the finishing touches in the form of minor adjustments. This need is due to the tendency of strings to loosen slightly when tuning adjacent ones. Repeat these steps from time to time until all six strings line up in an even tonal range.
