How To Tune A 12-string Guitar Using A Tuner

How To Tune A 12-string Guitar Using A Tuner
How To Tune A 12-string Guitar Using A Tuner

The twelve-string guitar gives a rich and rich sound. At the same time, the playing technique is not much different from that used on a conventional six-string. To tune a twelve-string by ear is a very real business, but a long one and requires some skill. If you are just starting to learn to play this instrument, use the tuner.

Additional strings, in addition to the first, are built in octave with the main
Additional strings, in addition to the first, are built in octave with the main

Where can I get it?

Many guitarists love GuitarPro or its analogues. There is a tuner in every program. However, not all of them can be tuned to a twelve-string guitar, but it doesn't matter. Set the options as for a six-string, and the additional strings with the main strings should be tuned in octaves. You can also use an online tuner designed specifically for 12-string guitar. Of course, you will need sound-reproducing equipment. In this case, the speakers are more convenient than headphones.

Online Tuner Tuning

The principle of tuning is the same for online tuners as for built-in ones. The best way to master it is by going to a site dedicated to 12-string guitar players. You will see a picture of a guitar socket in front of you. Click on it with the right mouse button. A window will appear in front of you, in which you will see several buttons that allow you to control the tuner. Notes are written at the bottom. Each of them corresponds to the sound of the string on which it is drawn. Click on the corresponding picture. You will hear a sound of a certain pitch. You need to twist the peg until the sound of the string matches this sound. If desired, the sound can be stopped using the Stop or Stop Sound button. Do the same with all the other strings.

If the tuning is non-standard …

An online or built-in tuner will usually give the standard tuning of a 12-string guitar. But some popular musicians tune their guitars in their own way. For example, there is an option to tune a 12-string like a 7-string guitar without a fifth string. Other options are also possible - with a lowered or raised last string, for example. In all these cases, as well as when the tuner cannot be tuned to a twelve-string, it is useful to use a mixed tuning method. You will tune some of the strings according to the tuner, some - in the standard way, that is, pressing the strings at certain frets and adjusting them in unison to the previous ones. The numbering of strings on a guitar can be different. When using a tuner, usually number 1 is the first additional, 2 - the first main, 3 - the second additional, 4 - the second main, etc. With a mixed method, another numbering option is more convenient. The main strings are named the same as the six-strings, and the additional ones are designated by the number of the main string with some letter. Remember the tuning of the six-string guitar Mi-Si-Sol-Re-La-Mi. Tune the main strings to the tuner. Tune the additional ones to them in an octave, that is, holding the main ones at the 12th fret. The first additional string is built in unison with the main string.