How To Carve A Pumpkin For Halloween

How To Carve A Pumpkin For Halloween
How To Carve A Pumpkin For Halloween

To carve a pumpkin for Halloween, naturally, you need a pumpkin. Not necessarily big, because size is not important here. Although, of course, a very beautiful candlestick will turn out from a large pumpkin, especially one grown in your garden. But if you do not have your own garden, then your path lies straight to the market, where you can pick up the most beautiful pumpkin for yourself.

How to carve a pumpkin for Halloween
How to carve a pumpkin for Halloween

After you have become the proud owner of a pumpkin, you will need to mark the place that you will cut off with a felt-tip pen so that there is a lid. After that, you draw a wide variety of faces on the pumpkin, it all depends on your imagination. If your hand shakes, do not be upset, because the pumpkin can always be washed and started over. But just do not overdo it in the drawing, remember that drawing is only a small part of the matter, you then still need to cut out what you draw.

After that, you carefully cut off the lid with a sharp knife, be extremely careful, as you still need the lid. After that, you pull out all the pulp from the pumpkin, it is better to use a spoon for this.

Then you take the knife again and cut out the drawing with gentle movements. In order for the drawing to be as accurate as possible, it is recommended to hold the knife at an angle of 90 degrees in relation to the pumpkin.

The cut pieces of the pumpkin are carefully pulled out of the pumpkin. After your pumpkin is ready, you need to leave it for a couple of days, in the open air, during which time it will dry out for you.

A few days later, when the pumpkin dries up a little, you put a candle in it, a small one, but in fact the size of the candle depends entirely on the size of the pumpkin, and then you cover it with a lid.

Everything. Your lamp is ready.

As you can see, in order to carve a pumpkin for Halloween, you don't need to have any special skill. All you need is a pumpkin and a good sharp knife. The pumpkin can be any, it doesn't matter, sometimes real masterpieces are made from small pumpkins, it's all about size, but how skillfully you know how to handle a pumpkin. Thus, when you choose a pumpkin for Halloween, you need to look not at its size, being guided by, the bigger the better, and, by the way, the correct shape is also not the main thing. Because there are so many different beautiful and unusual pumpkins, you should not put them aside. After all, on Halloween, not one pumpkin is made, but several. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the quality of the pumpkin. It should be perfect.