Modular origami is a Japanese technique for folding paper figures. Unlike the classical method, several sheets of paper are used in the work, which are folded into separate identical modules and then connected to each other.

Step 1
The first mention of modular origami in a written source dates back to 1734. The book, written by Hayato Ohoko, contains an engraving of several traditional origami figures, including a modular cube. Traditionally, classic origami was much more popular, in which figures are folded from one sheet of paper. In the 60s in the United States, Robert Neil published several books on modular origami, which were sold in large circulation. A little later, this half-forgotten technique returned to Japan, where it is now not inferior in popularity to traditional origami.
Step 2
Modular origami involves folding figures from many of the same modules, which, however, can be of different types. This feature distinguishes modular origami from multi-sheet classic origami, where individual parts of the work, as a rule, do not repeat. Modules are connected by simply nesting them into each other. Thus, they are held by frictional force. However, in complex designs, the individual pieces are glued together or stitched together for added strength.
Step 3
With various connections of small modules, a wide variety of designs can be obtained. Assembling a figure vaguely resembles working with a Lego set. Shapes in modular origami can be flat or three-dimensional. Flat art includes colorful polygons, stars, rings, and pinwheels. Three-dimensional figures are represented by regular polyhedra and compositions from them. Complex works in this technique, consisting of hundreds of small modules, can depict animals, popular anime characters, historical sites, etc.
Step 4
Kusudama is one of the most popular objects in modular origami. This figure is a ball that is assembled from modules that resemble flowers. Traditionally, the Japanese have used kusudams to treat the sick. Fragrant medicinal herbs were placed inside the ball and hung over the patient's bed. Now kusudams are used to decorate dwellings, balconies, verandas and courtyards.
Step 5
Most of the complex shapes in this technique are created from Sonobe modules. Mitsunobu Sonobe created a modular origami system that allows you to assemble any three-dimensional structure. It is based on the Sonobe module, which is a parallelogram with two pockets for connecting with the same modules.