The modular origami technique is quite complex and involves making a figurine in a fairly large amount of time. For example, an origami swan will require significant effort from its performer, but it will become both a beautiful decoration for your home and a wonderful gift.

It is necessary
You will need a lot of quality colored paper and glue
Step 1
The figurine is made up of a large number of identical elements (modules). One module requires one sheet of paper. The modules are then nested within each other. Take a paper rectangle with a ratio of 1: 1, 5. Such a rectangle can be made by dividing the A4 sheet into four or eight equal parts, depending on what size you want to make the swan.
Step 2
Fold down the triangular module. You can do it like this: lay the rectangle with the back side facing you and fold it in half.
Step 3
Then bend and unbend so that the middle line becomes clear.
Step 4
Bend the edges towards the middle and turn the base piece over.
Step 5
Fold the corners.
Step 6
Lift the edges up.
Step 7
Fold up the triangle.
Step 8
The resulting basic module will have two corners and two pockets.
Step 9
An example of connecting modules.
Step 10
Connect the modules to each other. You will need, for example, 1 red, 136 pink, 90 orange, 60 yellow, 78 green, 39 blue, 36 blue, 19 purple.
Step 11
Take three pink blanks and insert the corners of the first two blanks into two pockets of the third blank.
Step 12
Attach two more modules in the same way to the first group. This is how the first ring is assembled. It will consist of two rows, each of which, in turn, is assembled from 30 modules. "Knit" the ring along the chain, and with the last piece close the ends of the chain.
Step 13
From 30 orange blanks "knit" the third row, insert the modules in a checkerboard pattern.
Step 14
In the same way, make the fourth and fifth rows, consisting of 30 orange modules.
Step 15
Then gently grab the edges of the workpiece and make a movement as if you are going to turn the entire ring inside out. You will get such a shape as in the picture.
Step 16
"Knit" the sixth row, consisting of 30 yellow blanks. But now put the modules on top.
Step 17
From the seventh row, the wings begin to "build". Mark the side where you want the swan's head to be. Select one pair of blanks from two adjacent modules - this will be where the neck will be attached. On both sides of this pair of blanks, make one row of 12 yellow modules. The seventh row will be 24 modules and will have two gaps.
Step 18
Continue to build up the wings, reduce each next row by one module. The eighth row will consist of 22 green modules (two times 11), 9 row of 20 green, 10 row of 18 green, 11 row of 16 blue, 12 row of 14 blue, 13 row of 12 blue, 14 row of 10 blue, 15 row of 8 blue, 16 row of 6 purple, 17 row of 4 purple, 18 row of 2 purple modules. The wings are complete.
Step 19
Make a ponytail; for this, collect five rows from the modules. Likewise, reduce the number of blanks by one in each row. For the tail you will need 12 green and 3 blue modules.
Step 20
In order to fold the neck, the workpieces must be inserted differently - insert two corners of one module into two pockets of the other.
Attach 7 purple to the red blank. Try to give your neck the desired curve right away. Then attach 6 blue, 6 blue, 6 green and 6 yellow blanks.
Strengthen your neck at the two corners between the wings. For beauty and naturalness, attach details - eyes and a bow.
Build a stand from two rings - 36 and 40 modules. Connect the modules in the same way as with the neck.
Your modular origami swan is ready.