Dmitry Tarasov's Wife: Photo

Dmitry Tarasov's Wife: Photo
Dmitry Tarasov's Wife: Photo

Dmitry Tarasov's wife Anastasia Kostenko won the title of second vice-miss of Russia in 2014. Despite a loud divorce from his previous wife and failures in his sports career, Tarasov is happy with his beloved woman, who gave him a beautiful daughter.

Dmitry Tarasov's wife: photo
Dmitry Tarasov's wife: photo

The first wives of Dmitry Tarasov

Dmitry Tarasov is known not only to football fans and sports fans. He became popular in wide circles thanks to his stormy personal life and relationships with the famous TV presenter Olga Buzova.

The first wife of the football player was the rhythmic gymnastics coach Oksana. In marriage, a daughter, Angelina, was born. The girl was born in 2009, and in 2011 it became known that the couple did not live together. The footballer began to appear in public with Olga Buzova. In this situation, many condemned Olga, considering her a homeless woman. Tarasov tried to make excuses and said that he started dating Olga after breaking up with Oksana. But the first wife said that they broke up because of the football player's new romance. The first wife filed for divorce when she saw in one of the publications a photograph in which her husband was kissing a popular TV presenter.

With Buzova, Tarasov officially formalized the relationship in 2012. The wedding was very beautiful. Dmitry and Olga were happy, making plans for the future. Dmitry started building a country house, but the TV presenter was never able to move into it. The reason was her husband's betrayal and the subsequent divorce. Olga and Dmitry have no children together. Buzova admitted that she regretted that she did not become a mother, did not give birth to a child to Tarasov. The footballer really wanted this. The absence of children can be considered one of the reasons for the emergence of problems in the family.

Favorite wife Anastasia Kostenko

Anastasia Kostenko became the third wife of Dmitry Tarasov. She was born in the city of Salsk, Rostov region. Anastasia's parents divorced when she was very young, but the father never forgot about his daughter. During her school years, Anastasia was engaged in dancing and music. After graduating from high school, she entered the Stavropol Regional College of Arts, where she studied ballerina and choreographer.

During her studies, Anastasia took part in various local beauty contests and won several times. A beautiful girl was noticed and invited to work in China. Kostenko lived there for about a year, collaborating with a well-known brand of women's clothing. After returning home, she applied to participate in the main beauty pageant. In 2014, the girl won the title of "Second Vice-Miss Russia". Anastasia was sent to the world beauty contest, but she took only twentieth place there.


The personal life of the beauty from Rostov remained a mystery to everyone until the journalists began to write about her affair with married football player Dmitry Tarasov. For a long time, no one commented on these rumors, but in 2017 Tarasov officially confirmed his relationship with Kostenko. He admitted that he met her in 2016, when the marriage with Olga Buzova was almost destroyed.

In December 2017, Tarasov made his beloved proposal in the Maldives. In January 2018, the lovers got married. It soon became clear that Anastasia was expecting a baby. The pregnancy of the football player's wife was difficult. She was sent for preservation several times. Anastasia admits that at that time she was very worried about the criticism that she had to hear in her address. She was accused of the collapse of the previous Tarasov family. Some expressed their opinion in a rather harsh manner.


In July 2018, the daughter of Tarasov and Kostenko was born. Young parents actively shared happy family photos with fans and subscribers on social media pages.

Rumors of infidelity

Rumors of Tarasov's infidelities first appeared a few months after the marriage was registered. Several girls said that Dmitry leads a double life and is cheating on his wife, but did not provide the promised evidence. Many people are skeptical about the new marriage of a football player. They are confident that divorce is inevitable. After all, Tarasov has already parted with two previous wives is not very beautiful. This happened when Dmitry fell in love with another. It is quite possible that Anastasia will face the same fate.


Tarasov's ex-wife Olga Buzova is constantly trying to hurt Kostenko. She allows herself quite harsh statements. But it can be understood. For Olga, leaving her beloved husband was a real blow. But from this situation, she was able to benefit. Immediately after the divorce, Olga decided to try herself as a singer and achieved success.

The Tarasovs do not respond to criticism and harsh statements. They demonstrate their happiness to everyone and are engaged in raising their daughter, enjoying every moment.
