How To Make A Glow Effect

How To Make A Glow Effect
How To Make A Glow Effect

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Photoshop opens up a lot of perspectives for designers and graphic artists to create a variety of spectacular images. If you are proficient in the Photoshop technique, it will not be difficult for you to create an attractive and unusual glow effect that will draw people's attention to any advertisement or logo. The glowing lines in the graphic look bright and unusual, create a certain atmosphere and testify to the skill of their creator.

How to make a glow effect
How to make a glow effect


Step 1

Create a new document, 500x500px, and then select a gradient fill from the toolbar. Set the value for the radial gradient and choose an appropriate color transition (for example, a transition from black to red). Stretch the gradient on the created image, and then duplicate the layer (Duplicate layer) and change the blending mode to Color Dodge.

Step 2

Now create a new layer and in the Filter section select the Render> Clouds option with the original palette parameters black and white. Set the layer's Opacity to 30%, then open the Sketch filters section and select the Chrome filter. Set the filter values to 4 and 7, and then return the opacity to 100%. Set the layer blending mode to Hard Mix.

Step 3

Use the Pen Tool to create glowing lines. Draw an arbitrary smooth line with this tool, bending it as you wish and editing the bend using anchor points. Create a new layer and, using the brush with a diameter of 3 pixels of the desired color, again go to the Pen Tool.

Step 4

Right-click on the created curved line and select the Stroke Path> Brush option with the Simulate Pressure parameter. Click OK and then delete the path (Delete Path). Change the layer blending mode to Multiply and set the Drop Shadow parameter in the layer style settings.

Step 5

Also check the Inner Glow and Outer Glow checkboxes. Adjust the outer and inner glow parameters as you like, observing the changes in the image and achieving the best effect. Set the blending mode of the outer and inner glow to Screen, and then repeat all the described steps from creating curved lines to adding lighting effects any number of times - until the number of glowing lines reaches the expected. On top of the finished light lines, you can print any text or insert a logo.
