What Does The Mirror Effect Mean?

What Does The Mirror Effect Mean?
What Does The Mirror Effect Mean?

Many cultures have their own stories, tales and superstitions about mirrors. The most common opinion is that mirrors are points of "entry" into the otherworldly worlds and parallel dimensions. However, the mirror effect lies in a completely different plane.

The mirror effect can unsettle the enemy
The mirror effect can unsettle the enemy

From time immemorial, the mirror has been the subject of various superstitions. Even today, this mysterious household item is of no less interest to humans. This suggests that people have not revealed the mystery of mirrors. It is curious that many outstanding writers and poets generally mystified their plots, "inscribing" them in mirrors. For example, Sergei Yesenin wrote his "Black Man" "through" a mirror!

Since ancient times, it was believed that mirrors are "doors" to otherworldly worlds and parallel dimensions. In addition, people still believe that these objects are able to "remember" all the events reflected in them. That is, all positive and negative events that have ever been reflected in the mirror are, as it were, energetically “recorded” into it.

The mirror effect is a cunning and derisive tactic of behavior against your enemy. When children tease each other, repeating every word of their "opponent", they involuntarily apply this effect. This can cause resentment.

What is a mirror effect?

Some people believe that the mirror effect is the very same superstitions about the other worlds, about the mirror corridor, about the mirror "memory", etc. In fact, this is not entirely true. The mirror effect is in a completely different plane. The fact is that these objects reflect the current reality on the contrary, which helps people to use them as "weapons" against their opponents.

The mirror is the perfect "tool" for lying. If you repeat exactly all the malicious actions of your opponents, you will get their objective "reflection", ie. sending back negative energy. In this case, the person acts as a "mirror". All this leads to confusion on the part of the opponent, because he will not be able to understand what the strategy of his “opponent” is. The effect is to fool the enemy, who will be caught red-handed, which means that he will no longer be able to disguise his actions.

Mirrors are deceptive "matter". The viewer in them has the impression that he sees a reflection of the real world. In fact, he sees just a piece of glass showing the world around him in an inverted (reflected) form.

The moral of the mirror effect

The mirror effect also has its own moral. If you “reflect” in such a “mirror” the spiritual essence of your enemies, then the illusion of separation of their values will be created. If you bring such a "mirror" to the bad deeds of some people, you can teach them a lesson! Of course, the mirror effect may not work against already savvy enemies. However, many people are unable to resist it.