How To Make Your Photo Stand Out

How To Make Your Photo Stand Out
How To Make Your Photo Stand Out

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Surely you have puzzled more than once over how to create a fundamentally new and original look for your photographs, how to endow them with unusual visual effects, and how to make your photographs even more unusual. You can create vibrant and modern effects in photography using Adobe Photoshop. Let's take a look at how to create a light streak effect that will make your photo more dynamic and lively.

How to make your photo stand out
How to make your photo stand out


Step 1

Open the photo in Photoshop. Then create a new document to use as a background. Paste the texture you want on the background and then change the fill to 79%. Now, using any selection tool (Lasso Tool, Pen and others), cut out the person's shape from the photo and copy it to a new layer.

Step 2

Use a 200 px soft brush to add a shadow to the cutout shape, and then apply a Gaussian Blur filter with a radius of 30 px to the shadow. Erase excess fragments with a soft eraser. Use decorative textured brushes to further refine the background, giving it an interesting texture.

Step 3

Find on the Internet an abstract 3D model that is suitable in shape and size - it can be a modern high-tech figure with noticeable and dynamic contour lines. Desaturate the model by pressing Ctrl + Shift + U, and then using the Free Transform Tool, place the model so that it fits well with the figure of the person in your background.

Step 4

Erase the excess parts of the model, and then duplicate its layer. On the created layer, flip the abstract model to create an even greater dynamic effect. Now go directly to creating the light lines themselves - use the Pen tool for this.

Step 5

Create a new layer and select the brush tool. With a brush set to 0% hardness and 7 px in size, using the Pen Tool, paint the silhouette of the light spot, matching its lines with the silhouette of the abstract model. Right click on the path and select the Stroke Path option, checking the Simulate Pressure option. In the layer blend mode set Linear Dodge to red.

Step 6

Then select the Inner Shadow tab and without changing the red color, select the Multiply Blending Mode. On the Outer Glow tab, set the fill to a gradient that goes from red to transparent, and set the blending mode to Linear Dodge.

Step 7

In the Inner Glow tab, change the Blending Mode to Color Dodge. Duplicate the layer and apply a Gaussian Blur filter to it. Create a new layer group and place the created layers in it, and then change the layer blending parameters in the group to Linear Dodge.

Step 8

Additionally, edit the photo by adding new effects as desired, such as new light stripes in a different color.
