What Are The Fertilizers For Flowers

What Are The Fertilizers For Flowers
What Are The Fertilizers For Flowers

For normal development, any plant requires nutrients. Flowers need to ensure the receipt of auxiliary substances, among which potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen occupy the first place in importance. Fertilizers are needed so that flowers can grow calmly and delight us with beauty and fragrance.

What are the fertilizers for flowers
What are the fertilizers for flowers


Synthetic mineral fertilizers can be single-component multicomponent or complex. The latter include trace elements and basic substances needed by plants. Mineral dressings dissolve easily and are fast acting.

Natural or organic fertilizers can be just as helpful. Organics are absorbed perfectly, but you should be more careful when choosing the right type. An excessive amount of sawdust and peat deacidifies the soil, and bird droppings and infusions with compost do not have a positive effect on all flowers.

With the correct addition of fertilizers, the flowers receive excellent conditions for development. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the choice.

What substances do flowers need

Plants may need different substances at certain periods of development. If the growing season is short and the aerial part of the flower does not last long, food in large quantities is not required. But for the normal development of the bulbs and flowering, additional feeding may be needed.

Plants that have a long growing season require large amounts of nutrition. But its assimilation turns out to be long-term.

In the springtime, many flowers need additional nitrogen supply. You can feed them with mineral or organic fertilizer, strictly dosing the amount, since if it is exceeded, flowering will be difficult.

For plants to bloom well, potassium is no less important, the need for it is especially strong in the absence of the sun, prolonged cloudy weather, and a decrease in daylight hours.

Feeding methods

Flower nutrition can be applied by root or foliar application. The first is more often used, and fertilizers can be in liquid or dry form.

The foliar method is no less useful - you can quickly provide the plants with the required amount of nutrients. This application option is optimal for weakened or damaged plants.

When choosing fertilizers, one should take into account the peculiarities of the type of flower crop for which they are intended.