What To Do To Keep The Lilac In A Vase For A Long Time

What To Do To Keep The Lilac In A Vase For A Long Time
What To Do To Keep The Lilac In A Vase For A Long Time

If you bring even a small bunch of lilacs into the house, then in a short time its aroma will fill all rooms and the need for any fresheners will disappear by itself. Many people, seeing these marvelous flowers, cannot resist the temptation not to pick a few branches to decorate their home. However, few people know that a plucked lilac, if you just put it in a vase of water, can begin to fade in a couple of days. However, if you follow a few recommendations, then the bouquet will delight more than a week.

What to do to keep the lilac in a vase for a long time
What to do to keep the lilac in a vase for a long time

In order for the lilac to stay in the vase longer, it is necessary not only to choose the right cutting time, but also to carry it out correctly. Only those branches on which more than half of the flowers have not yet blossomed are suitable for cutting. As for the time and method of cutting lilacs, the cutting should be carried out in the early morning, and in no case break the branches with your hands, but use a sharp knife or blade. Remember, a long oblique cut is an important condition for the bouquet to last for a long time.

Before placing the lilacs in the vase, you must tear off most of the leaves, as they evaporate a lot of moisture. Never place the bouquet in unsoaked water, use water softeners. For example, you can add a couple of grains of potassium permanganate or a few drops of lemon juice to the vase. You can prepare "special" water for lilacs: pour a liter of settled water, add a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar and 100 grams of salicylic acid to it, mix everything thoroughly.

Before putting the lilacs in the water, slightly split each branch (beat with a hammer), then remove all the bark five to seven centimeters above the cut. Then you can dump the bouquet into the nutrient composition and place it in the coolest room.

If you have such an opportunity, then every evening immerse the lilacs in water and leave overnight, if this is not possible, then just spray the flowers before going to bed and cover them with ordinary newspapers. This procedure can greatly extend the life of a bouquet, especially if you take it out at night in a cool place (street, balcony).


Every day, cut the branches a few centimeters, rinse the stems, the vase itself, do not forget about changing the water (it is better to do this daily). Try to spray the flowers as often as possible during the day, using water at room temperature.

If you do not have the opportunity to put it in water immediately after cutting the lilac, then before transporting it, wrap the bouquet first in a damp cloth, then in a newspaper. At home, update the cut of each branch, only then put the flowers in a vase of water or a specially prepared solution.