Tarpishchev's Wife: Photo

Tarpishchev's Wife: Photo
Tarpishchev's Wife: Photo

Shamil Tarpishchev is a great tennis player, an honored coach. In his personal life, everything turned out less successfully than in his career. He was married to Angela Corosidi, but the marriage could not be saved. Recently, Tarpishchev often began to appear with a young companion. According to some sources, this is not just the coach's girlfriend, but his new legal wife.

Tarpishchev's wife: photo
Tarpishchev's wife: photo

Shamil Tarpishchev and his success

Shamil Tarpishchev is a renowned tennis player, talented coach, president of the Russian Tennis Federation. He was born in Moscow. Since childhood, the athlete played football, but due to an injury he gave up this sport and began to play tennis. Shamil's parents wanted their son to receive a decent education, a serious profession. But Tarpishchev chose a different path. He decided to make a sports career and entered the State Central Institute of Physical Culture, without stopping training on the court. In 1967, he won his first major victory by winning the Sochi International Tournament in doubles. Throughout his career, the athlete has become the winner of 10 prestigious international tournaments.

In the 70s of the last century, Tarpishchev was recognized as one of the most powerful tennis players in the USSR. After leaving professional tennis, he took up coaching. At the end of the last century, he served as Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on Physical Culture and Sports, and also headed the National Sports Fund. Tarpishchev was awarded a number of awards and honorary titles. He has held senior positions and is currently the President of the Russian Tennis Federation.


Personal life and acquaintance with Angela Korosidi

Shamil Anvyarovich got married late enough. At that time he was 39 years old. Work always came first, and everything else faded into the background. This is precisely the reason why relationships with women did not develop over the years. He met his future wife by chance. Tarpishchev came with an inspection to Kiev for the training camp of the Ukrainian team, and at the hotel restaurant he liked a young athlete at lunch. Later it turned out that a year ago he had already been told about a promising tennis player by the name of Korosidi, but then the acquaintance did not take place.

Angela is 19 years younger than Shamil Anvyarovich. At first, the age difference was embarrassing. Their relationship developed smoothly. At first, Tarpishchev was a mentor to a talented girl, helped her pass the exams. They did not see each other very often, because both were very busy, constantly traveling, at training camps. At that time, Angela was in the top five youth ratings in the country. The athlete's dad is from Greece, and her mother is Russian. Angela's uncle was once the coach of CSK. The girl's mother and her sister lived in Chisinau, her father died very early and Tarpishchev's future wife had to fight her way on her own. Communication with the coach of the national team and the great athlete did her good. At the next championship in Ukraine, she reached the final. Around this time Tarpishchev proposed to her.


Living with a great coach

When Angela Korosidi married Tarpishchev, she was very young. Shamil Anvyarovich fondly recalls the first years of marriage. His wife was not like other women with whom he had to communicate before. She was not at all interested in material goods, it was impossible to bribe her. At that time, the famous coach had a luxurious apartment, he could afford the most expensive things, but Angela was not happy about it. She was hostile to people from the environment of her husband. Then she thought that everyone who "orbits the Kremlin" cannot be sincere.

It seemed to Tarpishchev that he and his wife lived in some kind of parallel worlds. From the very beginning, the wife distanced herself, tried to show her own independence. She refused to go with her husband to social events. Several times, when journalists came to their house, she allowed herself very harsh statements. But Tarpishchev admitted that he even liked Angela's sincerity and he was grateful to fate for bringing him to such a woman.

Angela Korosidi gave birth to Tarpishchev two children: Amir and Philip. Unfortunately, the marriage could not be saved. According to the great coach, his wife was too freedom-loving. At some point, she began to perceive the family as a burden. They parted without scandals. The children stayed with their father. Shamil Anvyarovich moved to live outside the city in a chic and very spacious house. The younger sister and her family moved in with him to help raise the children.

New hobby in the life of Tarpishchev

In 2017, Shamil Tarpishchev began to appear with a beautiful stranger. She accompanied him even at official receptions. The journalists managed to find out that the famous coach and the young girl have a love relationship. The age difference does not bother them at all.


Tarpishchev prefers to hide his personal life from outsiders, but it has already been possible to find out that Julia is a native Muscovite, a student of a mechanical engineering institute. It has nothing to do with the world of sports.


Information appeared on the network that there was already a wedding and this girl can rightfully call herself a legal wife. But from Tarpishchev himself no statements were received. He prefers to remain silent and keep intrigue.
