Cucumbers in a dream are a symbol of stability, a surge of vitality and health. For example, for sick people, dreamed cucumbers promise an improvement in well-being and a speedy recovery. Often, cucumbers in a dream promise financial receipts, and sometimes warn of impending troubles. To consider the interpretation of such dreams in more detail, you need to look into the dream books.

Cucumbers in Freud's dream book
Psychologist Sigmund Freud interprets such dreams as a symbol of the masculine principle. In other words, a man dreamed of a cucumber speaks of his unsatisfied sexual desire with one or another of the fair sex. For women, such dreams promise unforgettable erotic adventures.
Why is a cucumber dreaming? Miller's dream book
American psychologist Gustav Miller considers cucumber dreams to be among the best in the world. In his opinion, seeing a fresh cucumber means good health, the prosperity of your own business, or a quick career takeoff. For sick people, such dreams promise a speedy recovery, and for lovers - excellent prospects in relationships.
Cucumber in a dream. Dream interpretation of the XXI century
Interpreters of this dream book share all "cucumber" dreams by gender: it promises men finances, women - gifts, and girls - new acquaintances with young people. Overripe or yellowed vegetables, dreamed of by business ladies, speak of gossip and squabbles behind their backs, occurring through the fault of envious people. Yellow or rotten cucumbers, dreamed of by men, symbolize their inability for pure and sincere love.
Why do cucumbers dream? Ukrainian dream book
Cucumbers, according to the interpreters of this dream book, personify the upcoming problems and troubles. If the vegetable in a dream is immature, then a family visit is planned in reality, which will not please the dreamer too much. To feel the bitter taste of these vegetables in a dream is a black streak in life. Pickled or lightly salted cucumbers predict health problems.
Dream interpretation from A to Z: cucumbers
Growing cucumbers in a dream - to a sharp deterioration in the dreamer's health. This can be caused by constant stress. Plucking these vegetables from the beds in a dream predicts the dreamer's excellent well-being, a surge of vitality and family joys. The dreamer may have to share the fate of unemployed people if in a dream he cuts cucumbers for salad. Marinate them, salt and roll them into banks - to deception associated with financial transactions.
Family dream book: why do cucumbers dream?
Cucumbers in a dream personify some kind of pipe dreams and unrealistic desires. The dreamer should urgently get rid of them, descend from heaven to earth. There are cucumbers in a dream - to be disappointed in the near future. Overripe and yellow vegetables speak of upcoming grief. But do not worry too much about this - soon the black stripe will change to white.