How To Make A Lampshade

How To Make A Lampshade
How To Make A Lampshade

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Everything done with your own hands is now very much appreciated. People are tired of consumer goods and everyone wants something unusual and unique. "Hand-assembled" lampshade will bring originality, style and unique comfort to your home.

A little imagination and handicraft - the exclusive is there
A little imagination and handicraft - the exclusive is there


Step 1

A way familiar from childhood

Take a balloon, inflate it. To prevent the threads from sticking to the ball, grease it with petroleum jelly, or better, wrap it with cling film. You will also need cotton threads and PVA glue, or a paste cooked from flour or starch. Soak the cotton yarn or threads well in the glue. Wrap randomly around the ball, do not spare any glue or thread. The number of layers will determine how dense the lampshade will be. When the threads are completely dry, blow off the ball and remove it.

Optionally, the lampshade can be colored with a spray paint can. Spray the paint at a distance of 15 - 20 cm so that the paint lies evenly. On top, on the lampshade, you can glue skeletonized leaves cut from paper or dragonfly fabric. You can make them out of beautiful wire.

All that remains is to insert the lamp holder, fix the lamp shade to the lamp holder and plug it in: the stylish lighting fixture is ready!

Step 2

Lamp shade for table lamp

For a table lamp, a lampshade can be made from fabric and wire. Make the bases for the lampshade from the wire - connect 2 circles of different diameters on both sides with a wire, the length of which will determine the height of the lampshade.

Now you need to make a pattern. It is best to make a lampshade from two parts. The details represent a trapezoid, in which the base is half the perimeter of the great circle, the Upper base is half the perimeter of the smaller circle, and the side is equal to the length of the wire that connects the two circles. Leave seam and hem allowances everywhere. It is better to cut the lampshade obliquely.

When the lampshade is cut out, zigzag the edges and sew both halves. Insert the elastic into the top and bottom cut. All that remains is to put the fabric on the base and the lampshade is ready.

If the fabric from which the lampshade is sewn is monochromatic, then you can decorate it with additional elements with bows, the same leaves or dragonflies. Here, your imagination is not limited by anything except the style of the interior. Still, a table lamp should harmoniously fit into the decor of the room.
