If you are an aspiring musician and have so far been content with only live performances, you may soon need to record your own song for further distribution. Whichever musical style you work in, the sequence of actions will be approximately the same.

Step 1
Decide on the musical instruments with which you will record the accompaniment to the song. If it will be one instrument (for example, a guitar), then the task is much easier. If there are several tools, you will have to work much more.
Step 2
Estimate how much you are willing to spend on recording music. If you are ready for a serious financial investment, then you can contact a recording studio. If you have your own musicians, then you can invite them to record. You can record each instrument separately, or all together. In the second case, the sound quality is noticeably reduced, but this service is much cheaper. If you do not have musicians, you may be offered to make an arrangement by the studio musicians, but this, again, will cost more.
Step 3
If you do not have the funds to pay for the studio's services, you can record music at home. You will need a computer, a good microphone, and sound recording and processing software. You can download one of the free programs on the Internet (for example, Audacity), or you can purchase a professional program. Although, if you are not an expert, you may find it difficult to work in it.
Step 4
Install a program on your computer through which you will record music. Connect and set up a microphone. Then launch the program, position the microphone so that it is comfortable and start recording. If you have several musical instruments, then either record them all together, or layer one track on top of another. Do not record them separately, otherwise it will be very difficult to mix tracks later. After the end of the recording, you can modify the sound using the available tools of the program you are using.
Now your music is ready, you can use it as a backing track for your song.