Of course, it is pleasant to receive candies as a gift, but it is even more pleasant if these candies are originally packaged, for example, assembled into some kind of figure. See how easy it is to make pineapple out of candy.

candy, green paper, hot glue, warp, scissors, yellow or beige woolen thread (or linen, paper rope).
As a basis for creating pineapple from sweets, you can take an oval-shaped plastic bottle, polystyrene, a floral basis for a bouquet, etc. The most solemn and beautiful gift will be obtained if you take a bottle of champagne as a base for pineapple.
If you chose foam or something like that as a base, you first need to cut an ellipsoid out of it. It is not necessary to bring the figure to the ideal, it is enough to get something close to the shape of an elongated oval.
Next, you need to stick sweets on the base. Place them closer to each other so that the base is not visible.
to create pineapple from candies, purchase round-shaped candies in yellow pieces of paper. Candies that are shaped like truffles are best, but oval candies can be good decorating materials as long as they are not too narrow and flat.
Begin gluing the candy from the bottom row, gradually moving up to the top of the pineapple. By the way, instead of hot glue, you can use double-sided tape to fix the candies.
After the base is completely lined with candy, cut the pineapple leaves out of the green paper. They should be of the simplest shape (straight narrow leaves, pointed at the end). Glue them to the top of the pineapple, mask the place where they are glued with a dozen or two turns with woolen thread. Please note that if you use a bottle as a base, then we simply mask the neck of the bottle with the leaves, but if the base is foam, then it is worth cutting a hole under the leaves with a knife.
The pineapple is ready, now it can be wrapped in transparent film or colored paper and handed to the future owner for any holiday!