Are There Werewolves

Are There Werewolves
Are There Werewolves

According to ancient ideas, there is a certain group of people who can turn into animals, most often wolves, which can attack people. In some ways, this is fiction, but there is also other information.

Werewolf as it is
Werewolf as it is

Stories with a similar plot have been circulating for a long time. One hunter went into the forest, where he was attacked by a huge wolf. The hunter wounds him in the paw, side, or just the stomach. Then the animal hides in an unknown direction, and after that a person with exactly the same wound is found in a nearby village. Strange stories, despite all the fantastic, have a completely scientific basis.

From time immemorial

If you explode the layers of history a little, you can find out how already in the nineteenth century cases of the so-called lycanthropy were first described. The person who fell ill with it suffered from increased hairiness, had some mutations in the body, as well as certain mental disorders. Of course, he did not turn into a wolf, but still behaved like this wild animal. The most interesting thing is that a person seriously considered himself just an animal or a werewolf.

It is not hard to find evidence of strange incidents involving werewolves or very large animals.

In the distant Slavic times, there were legends that it was possible to get sick with lycanthropy if you put on an enchanted wolf skin. But this is too far from modern people in a historical perspective. There are completely new cases. So, in 2005, a certain trucker Scott Williams told reporters that he saw a strange beast on one of the roads. He tormented the killed prey and, on the one hand, looked like either a gorilla or a werewolf in his classic description. Of course, a reasonable question from journalists followed, was this vision inspired by chronic lack of sleep, but Williams insisted that he slept well during the day so that he could go at night when there was no heavy traffic.

And again, a little history, or rather, you can travel back to the eighteenth century in the south of France, where a huge man-eating wolf raged. The number of his victims was numbered in the tens. Rumors reached the king, who singled out twenty people, the best hunters, able to cope with not such a beast. With great difficulty, they managed to kill the wolf, and one of the hunters assured that this became possible only after the use of a special silver bullet.

Facts and fiction

If in early historical times there were werewolves, now they have already become extinct, having become a victim of silver bullets. Currently, only lycanthropy remains - an officially recognized disease, which is "fought" not in dense forests, but in sterile doctors' offices. You may not notice this, but facts remain facts - lycanthropy exists.

Lycanthropy is considered a psychological disease, but various genetic mutations are not excluded.

Nevertheless, today here and there stories of encounters with the unknown appear. It is not known how reasonable all this is, but - there is no smoke without fire, and therefore - everything is possible until proven otherwise.
