Is There Really Corruption

Is There Really Corruption
Is There Really Corruption

Many people find themselves in situations where everything that happens is almost impossible to explain from a reasonable point of view. The streak of troubles and failures is so wide that even the most inveterate skeptics inevitably think of damage or evil eye.

Is there really corruption
Is there really corruption

Damage and evil eye

The existence of various energy and biofields has not been officially proven by scientists, although modern science is also unable to explain many phenomena and patterns. One of these inexplicable things is damage as a way of negatively affecting a person's bioenergetic aura. For a long time, people were convinced that a supernatural influence on someone else's life is possible, and such an effect could not always be the result of deliberate actions.

This, by the way, is the main difference between damage and the evil eye. If the evil eye is most often accidental, then damage is precisely a deliberate attempt at negative influence. In principle, the nature of the effect from both influences is approximately the same, but in the case of damage it will be much stronger. And if, as a result of the evil eye, nightmares can occur or a failure occurs at work, then after a well-imposed damage, a person is likely to face real problems with health and well-being.

Naturally, the less a person is inclined to analytical thinking, the stronger the belief that corruption can exist. That is why poorly educated people are most confident in the existence of supernatural forces, and the main hunt for sorcerers and witches was conducted in the Middle Ages, when incomprehensible phenomena were most easily explained by magic.

If you suspect an evil eye or damage, do not rush to the magicians, who will surely convince you of the reality of the curse. Try to analyze your actions and the events that have occurred, perhaps you will find a rational explanation.

To believe or not to believe?

In order to prove or disprove the existence of spoilage from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to establish an unambiguous causal relationship between the actions to impose the spoilage and the result in the form of troubles and failures. However, in reality, such experiments have not been carried out, so people can either believe in the possibility of a curse or the evil eye, or not believe and explain health problems and difficulties in life with more reasonable reasons, for example, by coincidence of circumstances.

At all times, it was believed that the most vulnerable people to spoilage are pregnant women and newborns. However, it is likely that in fact the cause is a weakened or not yet strengthened immune system.

Psychosomatics plays an important role, as well as the tendency of some people to adjust conditions to a predetermined answer. If a person sincerely believes in the possibility of imposing damage, most likely, he will explain his troubles precisely by this. This mechanism works especially well with impressionable and susceptible people who have enough circumstantial evidence to conclude that they were cursed. Next, psychosomatic reactions come into play: the belief that people who have been spoiled should get into trouble and get sick, makes the human body react in the most expected way, that is, a deterioration in well-being. Skeptics, as a rule, are not afraid of damage, so they are much better able to tolerate "supernatural" influences.
