The end of the world, the Apocalypse, Armageddon, Ragnarok - many peoples have myths about the end of the world, when darkness engulfs the earth and either the righteous will rise, or simply nothing will happen. And then, according to Indian ideas, a new stage in the development of the Universe will begin.

People have developed many versions of how life might end on planet Earth. Among them there are quite scientific and quite fantastic ones. For example, there could be a nuclear war or a worldwide pandemic of an antibiotic-resistant virus. It is possible that the overpopulation of the Earth faces the problem of hunger. Either it will be an ecological catastrophe, or an abrupt change in climate as a result of reversed poles. In each such scenario, the world comes to an end, but is a local end of the world possible?
Civilizations that no longer exist
It is impossible to imagine a change in the poles of the Earth for only one nation or a nuclear war on a local scale. Therefore, we can only talk about some semblance of the end of the world when it comes to a separate nation or nationality. And there are a lot of such examples in history. Moreover, sometimes the disappearance of an entire civilization took place under very strange circumstances:
There have been dozens of great civilizations in the history of mankind, of which little remains today.
Mayan. This once powerful empire still surprises archaeologists with various monuments that testify to the high development of the Indians. However, around 900 AD, the decline began. Over time, the great nation was left with miserable crumbs scattered in small villages. It is unclear why this happened. Until now, there are only hypotheses of climate change or internecine wars.
Indian, or Harrap civilization. More than 3 thousand years ago, this great nation disappeared, which constituted about 10 percent of all people on earth at the time of its peak. Among the versions of the decline, the most reliable is climate change.
Polynesian civilization on Easter Island. Monumental stone figures are all that remains of a once prosperous civilization. Perhaps they simply exhausted natural resources and moved to another location.
Gebekli Tepe is a civilization that is about 12 thousand years old. She flourished in southern Turkey, but also disappeared for no apparent reason.
Nya. This civilization once (or rather 1600 years ago) flourished where the Taklamakan Desert is now located in the western part of China. Archaeologists managed to find a lot of evidence of the development of the people, but they could not understand why the civilization disappeared.
The end of the world is a pattern
There are many predictions for the ends of the world, various scenarios for how humanity will cease to exist. Some are more optimistic, while others threaten to change for the worse in the near future.
Sooner or later, the end of the world will still happen, no matter how people want to avoid it.
You can treat psychics, fortune tellers, scientists in different ways, but there is one simple fact - the end of the world is inevitable. However, this will not happen very soon, even optimists do not dare to draw conclusions about the amount of time required. Of course, this theory, like many others, is disputed by scientists. However, while among all the "ends of the world" - this is the most inevitable.