The author's song for the Soviet intelligentsia was a kind of outlet. In their midst, in their get-together, they waged heated debates about who is more important for the Motherland: lyrics or physics. Yuri Lores was not the last daredevil in this class.

On a poetic wave
The future songwriter was born on October 29, 1951 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents lived in the town of Klyazma near Moscow. Father, a participant in the Patriotic War, worked as a builder. Mother taught literature at school. They lived, like all neighbors and relatives, not rich. I had to save on everything. No, the family was not starving. It's just that the industry has not picked up sufficient pace yet. As a child, Yuri Lores watched the film "The House I Live In" and firmly decided that in the future he would become a geologist.
Yuri studied well at school. He loved literature and geography. I listened to the radio speeches of the cult poets Voznesensky, Yevtushenko, Akhmadulina, Rozhdestvensky. There is nothing surprising in the fact that a teenager maturing in such an environment began to engage in creativity. The first rhymed lines preserved for history were written in 1963. In the ninth grade, the boy learned to play the guitar. And at the same time he wrote his first song "Bouquet of Autumn Leaves".
Creative routes
Having received his specialized education in 1974, Lores worked conscientiously in his specialty. His professional career was going well, but a long stay on expeditions created serious inconveniences. Yes, in the taiga outback, after a hard day's work, no one bothers to add poetry and compose music. However, there is no decent audience either. In the late 70s, Yura Lores regularly performs at numerous competitions and festivals.
You can present your songs to the target audience only in winter. In the summer, geologists go to the "field", where exploration work is being carried out. It is in the summer, at the beginning of July, that all leading and ordinary songwriters gather for the famous Grushinsky festival. Songs are heard on the high Volga coast, and the geologist Lores drills wells on the banks of the polar Indigirka River. I had to part with geology.
Personal life plots
When the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 90s, many creative personalities were lost under the rubble of a great country. Yuri Loris also had to go through a difficult period. But there were connoisseurs of his works and the author was attracted to concert activities. The former geologist has given concerts in the United States, Israel and the countries of the European Union. In Russia, he recorded several discs. Loris was invited to GITIS to conduct seminars in the workshop of the author's song.
The personal life of Yuri Lvovich developed only from the second call. The first marriage broke up for a trivial reason: the wife could not stand the long partings. For the second time, Yuri married Elena Gurfinkel. Husband and wife belong to the same workshop. Guitar and author's song unite a couple. Two daughters have grown up in the family. How their fate will turn out, time will tell.