How To Speak At "Invasion"

How To Speak At "Invasion"
How To Speak At "Invasion"

Table of contents:


"Invasion" is the largest rock festival where young bands are given a chance to perform along with rock legends. To take part in the event and perform on the same stage with seasoned musicians, you must go through the qualifying rounds.

How to speak at
How to speak at


Step 1

Create your own rock band. Your team should include a soloist, guitarist, bass player, keyboardist and drummer. If you don't have friends and acquaintances who are as passionate about music as you are, you can find like-minded people on specialized Internet forums or through recommendations. You can also advertise in the media.

Step 2

Take care of the tools, because you need to have your own. If you don't have a guitar, bass, drum kit, and synthesizer, get them from a record store or hand-held.

Step 3

Come up with a name for your team. It should reflect the mood of your songs and fit your overall concept. Make the group name unique and original. Then it will be easier to remember and distinguish you from the rest of the musicians.

Step 4

Write some songs and write them down. The recording must be of high quality. Take a bright, memorable, colorful photo of your group and send it along with the entries to the organizer of the qualifying competition. If you are noticed, appreciated and invited to compete for the opportunity to perform at the festival, you need to start preparing for the competition.

Step 5

Determine which song is your hit. At the qualifying competition in the capital of the country, you will need a performer for it. Please be aware that phonogram is not allowed either during the qualifying round or during the performance in front of the public. It will be necessary to sing and play live, this is the format of the event.

Step 6

Win the competition and receive your pass to the world's premier rock music event. It is not enough to have a good song and perform it well for victory. Your team should exude energy, ignite the audience and give a sea of positive. The jury members will definitely evaluate you according to these parameters.

Step 7

Prepare for the festival. Choose the songs you want to perform and start rehearsing. Spend as much time as possible on this. Also, you should consider your costumes. It will be great if the outfits of the entire composition of your musical group adhere to one idea or theme.
