Catching Bream

Catching Bream
Catching Bream

Bream is a very shy fish. Silence must be observed when fishing. He is also very slow, because of this his bites are weak and indecisive.

Catching bream
Catching bream

You can catch bream not only in summer, but in winter with various tackles. When fishing from the shore, a rod 5 m long is required. If you use attachments such as bloodworms, worms, caddis flies, bark beetles, it is best to use large hooks. And if you use vegetable baits, then the hooks should be small. The sinker should be installed 5-7 cm from the hook.

The bream lifts the nozzle from the bottom and takes it into the mouth, then it stands upright. After that, the float takes a horizontal position, only then the bream drags the float into the water. This fish strongly resists when taken out of the water. But already on the surface, she becomes calm and lies on her side. It is imperative to remove the remaining mucus from the leash and sinker, otherwise other fish will not fit such a tackle.

Often, bream is caught with bottom fishing rods. If there are worms or maggots on the hooks, you need to hook in 1-3 seconds when the bream swallows the bait.

Very often they use bait for a larger catch: boiled potatoes, cake, steamed grains. Usually it is thrown from the shore in handfuls mixed with clay.

They start catching bream early in the morning, and closer to noon the biting stops. But in the evening it is renewed again. It also brightens up when the sun warms up. Then the bream comes out of the pits to the places where there are feeding places. Most often swims to the coast.

In August and September, bream bites actively. When the water temperature drops, he stops taking the nozzle. In winter, make two holes, pour out the bait and begin to fish. The holes should be made spacious, since the adult fish has a wide body. The baited hook should be on the bottom. The bite is recognized by the position of the float. If it surfaced, then the bream took the bait. He takes the moving nozzle more actively, so you need to undercut with each push. In spring, this individual bites not only from the bottom, but also from the middle of the water level. Therefore, at this time you should fish at different depths.
