Going to catch pike perch in September, you need to carefully study its habits and preferences in early autumn. With the advent of cold snaps, the fish change places of their summer camps and go after the fry. Therefore, you need to look for it by the location of the small fish.

Pike perch behavior in September
The specificity of the behavior of the fanged in September is determined by the food supply and weather conditions. Trying to stock up on fat before the upcoming wintering, the predator feeds heavily and reacts to any fish passing by. And since schools of fry are constantly migrating, the zander does not stop in one place for a long time and chases them.
At the beginning of autumn, anglers note the following habits of the fanged:
1. The predator becomes very greedy and careless.
2. In the summer, zander is attracted to deep-sea areas, but with the arrival of autumn, he does not refuse the opportunity to hunt for fry near the coast.
Finding the location of pike perch
Based on the information on the behavior of pike perch in September, you can choose a promising place for casting the rig. During this period, fish are successfully caught near natural barriers, stones and trees felled into the water, where curious fry accumulate. The most favorable fishing point is considered to be a clean coast that is not washed away by the current.
Other good sites for finding fanged are:
1. Rocky ridges that descend into the river and are washed by a fast current, creating eddies on one side, and almost calm water on the other. In such water areas there is an abundance of river organisms, which arouses extraordinary interest in the voracious "minke".
2. Rolls on the bottom with different depth indicators.
3. Large stones that provide a secure shelter from the current.
4. Supports for old bridges and hydraulic structures. Many species of fish arrange shelter in such places and hide from the general water flow.
Seagulls, which circle above the surface of the water and look for readily available prey, are an important signal of the close proximity of pike perch.
Preparation of gear and lures
In the mouth of the pike perch there are many small, but sharp teeth, with which it easily bites the line and leash. Therefore, when going fishing, you need to stock up on strong leashes that will need to be changed periodically. When choosing these products, you should give preference to more durable and rigid options.
The main line is a fluorocarbon model or a braided thread that can withstand high resistance. In September, there is a chance to catch an individual weighing 10 kilograms or more, therefore, special requirements are imposed on the quality of the fishing line.
The baits used must be suitable for the fishing conditions. If live bait is chosen, be guided by the prevailing type of fry in the reservoir.
When fishing for zander with a spinning rod, take a bait that mimics real prey as high as possible.
Tips for beginners
If you are going to fish for zander in September for the first time in your life, adhere to the following recommendations from experienced anglers:
1. You need to start fishing 1-1, 5 hours before sunrise and before 8-10 hours in the morning. During the daytime, activity decreases and resumes only before sunset. You can catch a fanged one at night, as it is considered a nocturnal predator.
2. If fishing is performed using live bait, then before hooking up a predator, you need to wait a couple of seconds so that he swallows it.
3. The bite of pike perch has a special character, so it is easy to distinguish it from bites of other fish. Unlike the perch, this "minke" takes the bait confidently and sharply, trying to pull it back for cover.
4. Zander is a powerful predator with sharp fins and gill covers. Due to the mucous surface of the body, it easily moves through the reservoir and can slip out of the hands. Before removing the trophy from the hook, you need to stun it, as it can resist and inflict injuries.
Summing up, I must say that catching pike perch in September is very interesting and effective. At the beginning of autumn, a real hunger wakes up in the fanged, which contributes to a good bite throughout the month.