How To Make Your Own Aquarium Background

How To Make Your Own Aquarium Background
How To Make Your Own Aquarium Background

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Every aquarist dreams of having more than just a jar of water and fish at home. I would like the aquarium to complement the interior, make it unusual and unique. Let it be an imitation of the bottom of a tropical lake or seabed to admire the colorful fish in their native habitat. For completeness of the illusion, together with different plants and driftwood, it is worth using a volumetric background.

How to make your own aquarium background
How to make your own aquarium background

It is necessary

  • Sheet polystyrene or foam
  • Black, gray, brown and green waterproof spray paint.
  • Knife
  • Soldering iron or wood burning device.
  • Aquarium silicone sealant.
  • Cement М500


Step 1

Decide on the design. To do this, conduct a revision of the large stones, decorative driftwood and any other things that you already have that can decorate your aquarium. After that, decide what the background will be so that the existing elements fit into it successfully. You can pre-draw this background on a computer or just on paper, marking out where it is better to plant aquatic plants, where it makes sense to make a cave and the like.

Step 2

Take a sheet of polystyrene and draw a preliminary layout on it. The thicker your polystyrene sheet, the more voluminous you can make your background. The width of the sheet can be slightly shorter than the back wall of the aquarium, this option can also be interesting to beat, but the height should correspond to the distance from the bottom to the stiffener (otherwise how can you drown this whole structure later). If the dimensions of the sheet are small, you can glue the block necessary for work from several pieces. To do this, use an aquarium silicone sealant. It is safe for fish. Use a sharp knife (you can use a kitchen knife or a paper knife) to cut the backdrop onto the polystyrene. Turn on your imagination and portray whatever your heart desires. Giant stones, flooded ancient masonry, roots of age-old trees. Don't forget to make a notch on the back of the background for your aquarium heater. You can make a cave for especially shy fish or a recess in which you plant plants.

Step 3

Now, with a soldering iron, smooth out all the edges, remove uneven cuts, deepen the holes, create cracks in the stones.

Step 4

Start painting. Use cement diluted with water for priming. Apply it with a brush in several layers, let each layer dry completely. Before applying the next coat, wet the surface of the previous one so that no cracks form. Apply the paints in several layers, and let them dry each time. Set the first layer to black, then apply other colors, achieving a natural shade. Try to keep your background the same color as the stones you already have. After thorough drying, it remains to drain the water and install the finished background in the aquarium. If you made a through cave, glue a piece of black paper or film in this place on the back of the glass to create the illusion of depth. Now fill in the soil, plant the plants and install the existing stones.

Your absolutely unique aquarium interior is ready.
