On August 12, 2012, Russia celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Air Force. The date of the memorable day was chosen in accordance with the order of August 12, 1912, issued by the Russian Military Department. Exactly one hundred years ago, a special aeronautical unit was formed in the Main Directorate of the General Staff.

The holiday was celebrated with a large-scale air show, which was one of the world's largest aviation shows this year. The airfield of the Mikhail Gromov Flight Research Institute accommodated over 50 thousand spectators. There really was something to see. For almost eight hours, the pilots' performances on training, transport and combat aircraft and helicopters lasted. The audience was introduced to all stages of aviation development, from clumsy bookcases during the reign of Nicholas II to ultra-modern machines.
Aerobatic teams from France, Great Britain, Poland, Turkey, Italy, Latvia and Finland flew to the air show in Russia. The Polish aerobatic team performed in Russia for the first time. As a sign of respect for Russia, a Polish pilot drew a large heart in the sky near Moscow.
Much attention of the viewers of the show was attracted by the battle in the air of aircraft, whose brethren participated in the First World War. Fokker attacked Newport 17 until the enemy surrendered.
In the form of the number 100, in honor of the anniversary, the Su-27SM3, Su-25SM and MiG-29SMT planes were lined up. And the Su-25BM attack aircraft painted the sky near Moscow with the colors of the Russian tricolor.
More than 3,000 policemen followed public order at the air show in Zhukovsky, and were assisted by the servicemen of the internal troops. The event took place without any incident.
The show also featured Tu-9MS, Tu-22M3 and Tu-160 bombers; the pilots of the transport aircraft An-12, An-26, An-124 Ruslan, An-22 Antey and others also showed their skills. The viewers of the show were especially interested in the Il-76, A-50 and Tu-95 planes.
Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who was present at the air show, promised that the army will be substantially replenished with new aircraft and helicopters by 2020. More than 1,600 modernized vehicles are expected to be purchased. The cost of re-equipping the Air Force will be $ 720 billion.