Mirrorless cameras are rapidly storming the photographic equipment market, creating more and more competition for SLR cameras. The choice of this type of equipment has always been complicated by a large number of models from different manufacturers.

The choice of a mirrorless camera, of course, depends on the requirements for it and financial capabilities. Naturally, the main criterion that distinguishes mirrorless from DSLRs is their compactness. And if we put this condition at the forefront, then you should turn your attention to entry-level cameras: Olympus E-PM1, Nikon J1 and Sony Nex-3. These cameras are the most compact interchangeable-lens cameras. They have a sensor from 12 to 14.6 megapixels, which is quite enough to take high-quality pictures. The best of these cameras can be called the Sony Nex-3, as it has the largest sensor with 14.6 million. pix., the largest matrix size is 23.4x15.6 mm, and a crop factor equal to 1. 5. This camera can be purchased for 15,000 rubles.
The best mirrorless cameras in the mid-range are the Olympus E-PL5, Sony NEX 5R and Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX1. All these cameras are very similar to each other in characteristics. Their sensor size is almost identical: from 16.68 to 17.2 megapixels. The advantages of Sony include a larger matrix size and a crop factor of 1.5 (for other cameras it is 2), as well as the presence of a Wi-Fi interface. The screen for all models is touch-sensitive. The advantages of Panasonic and Olympus include the presence of a hot shoe that allows you to install additional equipment, as well as more controls located on the body. The average cost of such cameras, complete with a whale lens, is from 18 to 22 thousand rubles.
When it comes to top-end mirrorless cameras, the best are the Sony NEX 7, Olympus E-P5 and Fujifilm X-Pro1. Moreover, the last two models have a great retro design. Sony, as always, wins in terms of sensor size (24.7 megapixels) and maximum resolution (6000x4000). But the size of the matrix is still slightly larger in Fujifilm X-Pro1, it is 23, 4x15, 6mm. All models are equipped with a hot shoe, and the first two of them also have a built-in flash. The downside of the E-P5 is the lack of a built-in electronic viewfinder. The average cost of these devices starts at 36,000 rubles. But for that kind of money, it is quite possible to buy a good semi-professional SLR camera, so the cameras are more likely designed for enthusiasts who, for example, would like to purchase a modern camera that has a retro look of a film camera of the 70s of the last century.