A cute do-it-yourself paper bow is indispensable for festive gifts. Such decoration can give a touch of sophistication and charm to even the most modest present.

Pattern-based bow
The simplest bows for elegant decoration of gifts are made from bright wrapping paper: smooth or corrugated. To make a bow, you need to draw templates of two blanks on a sheet of paper. One of them should be in the form of a bow with rounded, slightly elongated edges; the second blank is in the form of a bow with a V-shaped cut along the edges.
The "petals" of the first blank are pulled to the center and fixed with glue. After the part dries, it is glued in the center of the bow with cut edges. The connection of the blanks is masked with a small paper strip, which is glued in the narrow central part of the resulting two-layer bow.
Bow in the form of a volumetric star
A more complex version of making a paper bow requires perseverance and a certain sleight of hand. To make a voluminous pointed asterisk, you will need five paper round blanks, the diameter of which determines the size of the future bow.
Each round piece is folded four times, carefully ironing the fold lines. After that, the blanks are unfolded and cut along the folds, a little short of the center of the circle - there should be eight petals in total. Using a pencil, each petal is twisted into a "pound" with a pointed edge; so that the workpiece does not unfold, its edges are fixed with a small drop of glue.
The resulting stars are placed on top of each other, placing their rays in a checkerboard pattern and fastened with transparent glue. A pencil is installed in the uppermost part and all the blanks are strongly pressed against each other in such a way that the rays of the asterisk rise up and cover the empty space in the center.
Fluffy bow
To make a luxurious festive bow in the form of a lush flower, you will need eight strips cut from double-sided paper. The first three stripes sets the size of the future bow, the second three should be one and a half to two centimeters less than the first, the last two strips are cut shorter than the second three by a centimeter. All workpieces are two centimeters wide.
Bows are glued from all the strips, folding the blanks in the form of an "infinity" sign. After that, bows from the longest strips are glued on top of each other, distributing the "petals" of the future flower in a circle. After the glue on the workpiece dries, all other bows are glued to it according to the same principle, placing their loops in a checkerboard pattern.
A small ring is made from a strip of paper of the same color as all the parts and with the help of glue they fix it over the resulting flower, closing the empty space in the center of the smallest, upper bow.