There are a wide variety of neckties and scarves available. Some of them are more popular with women, others with men. There is a category of ties, which are an indispensable attribute of any suit. And there are ties that will be appropriate for almost any suit. Ties are classic and extravagant. Plastron refers to a tie or neckerchief worn on special occasions, such as with wedding suits.

Step 1
If you have some sewing experience, you can easily master the creation of a plastron tie. You will need the simplest sewing techniques, so even a little experience in sewing will be enough. But have a little more patience, as difficulties still arise, mainly with the fabric.
Step 2
Use silk fabrics to sew the plastron. They have one property that is unpleasant for the master; in the process of work they slide, warp, which affects the accuracy of the pattern and the finished product, and also takes time for additional verification and adjustment of the product.
Step 3
Prepare half a meter of some silk fabric and the same amount of lining. You will also need a deblerin and a tie fastener.
Step 4
Prepare a pattern with dimensions in length - 32cm, in width on one side 18cm, and on the other - 9cm. Bevel 3cm around the 9cm edge. These are the dimensions for the top half. Make the bottom half 1, 5cm shorter.
Step 5
Leave a 2cm seam allowance around the edges. Cut the lining in the same way. However, it will need to be sewn, retreating from the edge of 1 cm.
Step 6
Cut out exactly the same workpiece from the dublenine, with the same dimensions. Carefully glue the main silk fabric inside out with dublerin using an iron. Do not forget that the adhesive fabric must be placed with the adhesive side on the base fabric, otherwise you will not glue the dublerin to the silk base, but to the iron.
Step 7
Iron the base fabric, fold any seam allowances inward. Also iron the backing, the width of which will be 1cm less than the width of the base.
Step 8
Sew the halves first along the bottom edge and then along the side seams. Having prepared the ironed edges of the lining with an iron, sew it to the base right along the resulting fold.
Step 9
After connecting all the seams, carefully strip them and hide all the remaining edges and threads inside. And start making the strip needed to keep the tie around your neck. To do this, sew a strip that is 45cm long and 1cm wide.
Step 10
Fold the finished tie in the middle, wrap it with the prepared tie strip and secure the clasp. Make sure that the resulting folds are not too tight, they should be soft, slightly draped.