On long hikes or when working in harsh weather conditions, one of the important elements of the uniform is warm shoes. To keep your feet dry and always warm, rubber boots are usually used. However, they provide only the first condition, but to create warmth for the feet, special liners are needed in the boots, which are sold in many stores, but you can sew them yourself.

Step 1
Use leftover small pieces from old coats or fur coats to sew boot liners. They will serve as an excellent base for the liner. Use the fur as the inside of the liner and cover the top with a piece of heavy fabric or suede. The liner can also be based on pieces of old sweaters or wool pullovers, small parts of children's soft toys, or regular pieces of faux fur. Cut a piece to the shape of your boot, or make up several small pieces.
Step 2
To make the foot feel more comfortable, make the lower part, that is, the sole, thicker. To do this, glue several layers of felt together, using melted nylon stocking for gluing. Also, use any thick fabric to seal the sole, connecting several pieces of it together. Choose durable fabrics so you don't have to change them too often.
Step 3
If you have old boot liners, you can update them as follows. Wash the liner well and trim it with a thick cloth, and glue a piece cut from felt or leather to the sole. Leather, by the way, is an excellent option for the sole of the inlay, since it does not allow moisture to pass through and serves for a long time due to its durability and resistance to abrasion and various loads.
Step 4
Liners are also actively used for rubber or inflated boots that are worn in the country or around the house during cold periods of the year. Keep the space between the liner and the boot itself to a minimum. If the condition is not met, then this will lead to the formation of condensation, with which the leg will not feel very comfortable. To avoid this, use absorbent insoles or regular feminine sanitary pads to fill the space. Change your gaskets every 2-3 days and you will get rid of the condensation problem.