Roller skating is a useful and fun way to spend your leisure time, which has become very popular in the last ten years. However, all sorts of tricks can make it even more interesting and exciting, which are not so difficult to implement if you practice.

It is necessary
- - videos;
- - a flat sidewalk or a special roller deck.
Step 1
Before jumping up, keep your body straight and in no case bend over to the side or hunch over. Always remember that your back and legs should be absolutely straight, and during the jump, try to press your knees to your chest as tightly as possible so as not to get injured. During landing, be sure to stay on bent legs and preferably do the trick so that by the time of landing you will be practically squatting. This will help you create a visual jump height and avoid injury.
Step 2
When you move on to twisting, you should keep your body in the correct position while in the air. When twisting 180 degrees, there is practically no need to turn on purpose, it is enough to just stretch your right hand forward and direct it to the left, and try to touch the roller with your left hand. If you decide to spin 360 degrees, then make swinging movements with both hands, as if diagonally, from right to left and from top to bottom.
Step 3
If you decide to do a trick called alleyoop, when the rollers slide from the back, then take care of your center of gravity, because it should fall on one of your legs. If everything is in order, then lean back a little and try to stay in the desired position, in it and jump onto a pipe or other obstacle and drive over it at an angle of 45 degrees.