Skydiving is a great way to experience an unforgettable experience and test yourself for fortitude. Unfortunately, the natural fear of heights can be very difficult to overcome even for the most courageous people.

In the practice of parachute clubs, it is not uncommon for people who have already completed a course of theoretical training and outwardly ready for the first jump, simply refused to leave the plane at the right time. The fact is that from the point of view of all human instincts, a parachute jump is an irrational and dangerous action. To overcome panic, you need to carefully control your instincts and emotions before jumping.
Rational thinking
To a large extent, this is facilitated by the obligatory set of theoretical studies, which gives future parachutists the opportunity to form a rational idea of the mechanics of a parachute jump, possible dangers and troubles. At the right time, this knowledge will help your mind to prevail over the instinctive fear of heights. A good way is also to study the data of statistics, which claims that skydiving in terms of injury risk is several times safer than regular football.
Finally, we must not forget that aviation clubs are directly interested in the safety of each skydiver, so all equipment goes through many checks and tests before the jump. In addition, we are actually talking about two levels of security, since in addition to the main parachute, a reserve one is also used. The peculiarity of the reserve parachute is that it is equipped with a forced opening mechanism at a certain height, that is, even if you lose consciousness and cannot control the jump, the reserve parachute will open and protect you from falling.
Emotional component
If rational thinking is less important to you than the emotional component, it makes sense to come to the airfield several times in advance to watch others jumping. As a rule, a person who has made the first jump in his life is a powerful source of delight, impressions, positive emotions, which he happily shares with others. Considering that whole groups perform jumps every day, it is obvious that in one day you can recharge yourself with a truly significant amount of positive energy. Try to maintain this charge until your first jump, so it will be much easier for you to decide on it. The presence at the airport has another positive effect: after you see all the details of the process with your own eyes, the fear of the unknown will recede into the background.