Many CS 1.6 players have heard about the jumping technique at least once. This technique, which increases the speed of movement, is quite useful in multiplayer games, so many novice gamers need to master this method of movement. To learn how to jump, you only need to know a couple of lines of code and certain key combinations.

It is necessary
access to the CS 1.6 console
Step 1
First, open the console in CS 1.6 by pressing the tilde key. If nothing happened, open access to the console by going to the key settings and unchecking the necessary checkbox. Enter the following commands into it: alias "name" "+ jump; wait; -jump; wait; + jump; wait; -jump; wait; + jump; wait; -jump; wait; + jump; wait; -jump; wait; + jump; wait; -jump; wait; ". "Name" is an arbitrary name for the team that represents your jump. Make sure to copy these commands with absolute precision, otherwise this movement technique will not work at all.
Step 2
Then enter the following line into the console alias -bjskutt "-jump". This command will coordinate your jumps to get rid of the inversion of directions (i.e. instead of jumping to the right, a jump to the left will be performed, this command will eliminate this discrepancy). Then exit the console by typing bind "space" "jump", where "space" is the name of the jump key. Very often, the mouse wheel is used for this purpose, which is quite convenient, since the moment of the jump can not be guessed. Close the console after entering the last command.
Step 3
After entering the commands, proceed to the jump itself. This technique is performed only by pressing the left and right keys and the jump button. The "up" key should be pressed only during the takeoff run at the beginning. After gaining speed, move the mouse to the right while simultaneously pressing the right arrow, and jump (you can release the "up" button). At the moment of landing, jump again and perform the same actions with the key and mouse, but this time in the opposite direction - to the left. And thus alternate the sequence of keystrokes, achieving the effect of flight. The most difficult thing here is to catch the right moment of landing. This requires training, since jumping is not a technique that can be learned in 10 minutes.