Airsoft is a game based on military and sports principles. But its main feature is adrenaline and the ability to fight "peacefully", shooting at each other from fake weapons. How do you learn this game?

Step 1
One of the most compelling qualities of airsoft is that it is not commercially motivated. People of all ages and social statuses can try themselves in it. To start the game, you need to choose a commander and get ready for the fact that everyone in the team will receive their role. To begin with, a script is drawn up, which clearly stipulates the boundaries of the playing field, tasks and the time allotted for the game. It can be amended, but the teams must agree to accept the script. As a general rule, the boundaries of the game should not cover residential areas or industrial facilities.
Step 2
Players (from 18 years old) are divided into two or more teams, each of which wears the appropriate equipment. Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not allowed on the field. Each player bears all responsibility for his own health for himself. The game is played on fairness. No one should intentionally harm or insult another. In the event of a traumatic situation, the game is suspended.
Step 3
Each player can be captured or voluntarily surrender. This is signaled by a light slap of the enemy on the back of the captive. To show your team that you are a prisoner, put your hands up. The prisoner can be released after an honest answer to three questions asked to him or one hour after the capture. Liberation - one light slap on the back. The prisoner has the right to try to escape, but this is fraught with "shooting".
Step 4
Who is considered killed is stipulated in the script in advance. The killed person immediately leaves the game, wearing a distinctive sign - a bright ribbon or lantern. The killed person has no right to transfer his weapon to the team, but he can leave it at the place of "death" without talking to any of the players.
Step 5
Non-combatants are always on the field, but they have insignia (ribbons or lanterns) and do not interfere with the course of the game by negotiations with the participants. They have the right to deliver water or fuel to players. Responsibility for their behavior lies with the team with which they arrived. Non-combatants who are not related to the game (tourists, fishermen) should not be involved in it and should not be fired upon by players. You cannot fire at intermediaries either, the presence of which must be specified in the scenario.
Step 6
Players are prohibited from wearing uniforms with insignia of state departments (police, FSB). In airsoft, you can use your phone and GPS. Only imitation of cold arms or small arms is allowed for the game, it is allowed to make trenches, dugouts, trenches, ditches. The use of other types of weapons, vehicles, smoke and signal rockets, as well as individual controversial issues, take place depending on the specially stipulated conditions of the scenario.