How To Make Yourself A Train

How To Make Yourself A Train
How To Make Yourself A Train

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A train is a detail of the cut of a woman's dress, the essence of which is the lengthening of the back of a skirt or dress. The train adorned the wedding dresses of queens and stretched for many meters from the dress, not allowing its owner to dance, or take a step back, or even sit down. Modern loops solve many of these problems by reducing their length and using special tricks.

How to make yourself a train
How to make yourself a train


Step 1

Calculate the length of the train. It is enough to add 20 cm to the length of the skirt (or dress) to make the train noticeable.

Step 2

Cut an extra wedge out of the skirt fabric. Its length along the side lines should correspond to the total length of the dress, and increase it by the required amount towards the center of the wedge. Connect the length points with a smooth, rounded line.

Step 3

Cut out the wedge, taking into account the seam allowances, sew in from the back. In this case, the silhouette of the skirt will appear narrower due to the weight of the fabric.

Step 4

Instead of an additional wedge, you can lengthen the existing wedges along the back seam line. Draw the bottom line in the form of a semicircle.

Step 5

If you want to sew a long train and at the same time remain mobile, sew a ring to the bottom point of the train. When dancing or moving backwards, you can pick up the train by wearing a ring.
