An integral part of travel is the road. You can still survive a short flight on an airplane, but what to do on a train when you have enough free time? When tired of empty conversations or the battery on your mobile phone runs out, stock up on a pen and notebook and get ready to train your logic and intelligence.

Of the folk board games, three are the most popular:
1. "The Hangman". Required number of players: 2. One thinks of any word and draws squares, as in the game "Field of Miracles": each square is a letter of the word. The area to which the word belongs should be named: food, plants, animals, professions, etc. You can add a couple of specific characteristics. The other player must try to guess the word by alternately calling the letter. In response to each wrong letter, the person making the word draws a part of the gallows. When the gallows and the man on it are completely drawn, the guessing word loses.

2. "Funny sticks". Take a squared notebook or draw a field of squares on a white sheet with a pencil. Each player, anywhere on the field, draws one line of the square with a pen or felt-tip pen (everyone must have a different color). The game requires care. As soon as the line turns out to be the closing line (the last one in this square), the player writes in the square the first letter of his name (or a symbol previously agreed upon) and gets 5 points. When the entire field is filled, the one with the most points wins.

3. "Sea battle". Players: 2. Each player on his sheet draws two squares with cells 12 by 13. Squares horizontally above are indicated by letters, squares vertically to the right - by numbers. One square is its own field, the other is the opponent's field. The player has 10 ships in his field: 4 single-deck (1 cell), 3 double-deck (2 cells), 2 three-deck (3 cells) and 1 four-deck ship (4 cells). For three-deck and four-deck ships, one deck can be located on top or on the side. The ships must not be in contact with each other.

Each player takes turns making a "shot": names the alphanumeric location of the cage he intends to shoot, for example: "A6!" If the shot misses the target, the other player says: "Pass" and both draw a dot in this cell. When hitting the deck of the ship - the player says "Wounded" and crosses out the deck (and the shooter draws a cross in his opponent's square and can shoot again until he misses). When the ship is destroyed, the player announces: "Killed". The winner is the one who first destroyed all enemy ships.