The charming cheerful Timur Rodriguez has many female fans. But the young man never responds to signs of attention from fans, as he is happy in marriage and sincerely loves his wife Anna Devochkina.

Anna Devochkina became popular only after she married the famous singer and humorist Timur Rodriguez. Previously, the girl did not strive for fame, but built a career in the construction business. Anna and Timur still live together and raise two sons.
Meet the star
Interestingly, before meeting Timur, the girl did not know anything about him. She did not even watch a single release of humorous television programs with the participation of the future spouse. Anna lived in a city near Moscow, was engaged in extreme sports and worked in a construction company, where she managed to get a fairly high position. The main hobby of the girl from the age of 15 was racing. From a young age, Devochkina participated in night races and often won them.
On the fateful day, Anna came to one of the Moscow nightclubs to just dance and chat with her friends. It was here that the girl met the showman. Timur himself expected that a pretty young lady, when looking at him, would immediately express her delight at meeting a star. But Devochkina was completely calm. She treated Rodriguez like an ordinary guy because she just never saw him on TV. Due to her constant employment, she rarely watched television, and even more so humorous programs. This really won over the showman.
A cheerful conversation ensued. Anya behaved naturally, did not try to play and create some kind of attractive image. This was her second plus for Rodriguez. And when Devochkina drove him around the night Moscow in her car with a breeze, Timur fell in love altogether. Later in an interview, the showman said that Anna turned out to be a special girl. He noted that he had never met such a "solid, serious and purposeful" young lady before.
After the nightclub, where they met, Anya and Timur could not part for a long time. The couple sat in a cafe near the girl's house all night until morning. And on the same day, Devochkina received the first bouquet of flowers from her lover and an invitation to a new date. It is interesting that literally from the first minutes of their acquaintance, Anna and Timur began to understand each other perfectly and became very close. The couple still has a warm, trusting relationship.
Ah, this wedding
Rodriguez himself does not hide the fact that in the first days after meeting Devochkina he was ready to make her a marriage proposal. But the young man restrained himself in order to have time to check the relationship with the new darling. 10 months after the beginning of the novel, Timur invited Anya to live together. Then there was an acquaintance with the parents on both sides, after which the showman did not wait any longer and made his beloved an official marriage proposal. It turned out to be very bright and unusual. For an important step, the young man went to Sicily, where at the very top of the volcano he knelt on one knee with a ring in his hands.

In the fall of 2007, the lovers got married. Rodriguez's fans expected a lavish, noisy celebration from him, but the couple refused such a holiday. Anna is a modest girl for whom the publicity that flooded her was a burden. The girls very much asked the groom that their wedding was quiet, calm and without a crowd of journalists. It was such a holiday that the couple arranged.
Family happiness
After the wedding, the lovers continued to live together and began to think about children. Timur very much asked his wife to give birth to an heir - a boy. The girl fulfilled her husband's request twice.
Miguel was born into the family two years after marriage. Immediately after the joyful event, Anna quit her job and decided to leave her career. The girl completely devoted herself to the family and raising children. The firstborn turned out to be very similar to dad. Thanks to constant studies with his mother, the boy spoke early and, in general, grows up as a developed, intelligent boy. Today Miguel goes to school with a language bias and is fond of music.

In 2012, Anna gave her husband a second son, Daniel. The kid loves his brother very much and is also developing well, overtaking his peers in all respects. Star dad is sure that most of his sons' success is due to regular classes with their mom. Shumen is very glad that his wife agreed to leave her career for the sake of the family. Now both spouses dream of a third child. The gender of the baby is not at all important for stellar parents.

Today Anya is a housewife, Timur is fully supporting her family. Rodriguez has a very busy work schedule, so he rarely appears at home. A caring but strict mother is engaged in raising boys. As soon as the showman manages to take a day off, he always comes up with an interesting pastime with his sons.
From time to time in the press there are rumors about the divorce of Timur and Ani, but the comedian every time confidently refutes them. Rodriguez declares: his wife is so perfect that he will never dare to leave her of his own free will.