Creativity lives in every person, which is why so many people are fond of needlework. And at first we get joy even from the creative disorder - we grab onto the manufacture of different products, sometimes without finishing the previous ones, we buy materials and tools without a system, etc. But everything changes when we decide to turn our hobby into a source of income. The lack of a system and order significantly reduces our productivity, and therefore our income. Let's take a look at what mistakes prevent us from working more efficiently and quickly.

Step 1
Tidying up drawers and cabinets where materials and tools are stored
Yes, it's elementary. Nevertheless, many craftsmen take the time to organize and optimize the way they store materials and tools for creativity. But, working on the next product, we not only waste precious time looking for this or that item, we scatter our attention and lose inspiration. We strongly advise you to put things in order at your workplace as soon as possible.
Step 2
Cleaning after work
This is a continuation of the first point. It is very important to put things in order immediately after you have finished your work. Yes, you will need all this again tomorrow. But an uncleaned table not only destroys the order you have put in place again, but it can also cause irritation that you may not even know about. Why do we need negative emotions in our favorite business?
Step 3
Competent storage of materials and tools
Let's expand the first item of the list and think about whether we are comfortable enough in the order we created? Moreover, this should be done periodically, as soon as this very inconvenience arises. And be sure to start working on a new project. We remove all unnecessary away, take out and conveniently place everything we need. Should we talk about foreign interfering objects, such as a pile of coffee cups?
This list item also hides one interesting psychological moment - the inconvenient arrangement of the necessary items can induce you to unconsciously postpone even your favorite business. Agree how to get joy from the process, if you need, for example, to climb onto the top shelf of the cabinet on a stepladder for each item you need. Think about what things you are putting off, and why? Surely, one of the reasons is described here.
Step 4
Optimization of the work process
Once you take the time to be creative, don't get distracted by anything else. All these small things very much scatter your attention and eat up valuable time - a smoke break, checking mail, TV, telephone, etc. Observe yourself, or rather write down for several days (always keep a notebook with you) - what and how distracted you are. Now think about it - maybe it is worth taking scheduled breaks (like during breaks at school)? Or have you chosen the wrong timing? Or is this not the most productive hour of your biological clock? By doing this analysis and correcting the situation, you will not only make your work more efficient, but also acquire a useful habit of concentration.
Step 5
Very often we have to repeat the same actions, for example, ironing the details. Plan the process so that you can iron as many parts as possible at once - this will reduce the time for warming up the iron and running from the machine to the ironing board. Such moments can be found in any activity. Before starting another project, consider how you can optimize the process. Draw up something like a production plan, for sure, you will find a way to speed up the work.
Step 6
Thinking through every step
Even if you followed our advice and made a work plan, always keep the next step in mind. Maybe it's time to put on the iron to warm up to iron the parts that we are now sewing? Remember the song from the cartoon - "I take one berry, I look at the other, I note the third."
Step 7
Save time
Even if needlework is just a hobby for you and you enjoy the process itself, try to speed up a little, it will soon become a habit and save you time. Well, for needlewomen who carry out orders, this is simply necessary. No need to force yourself, just do faster what you can do faster without overexerting yourself.
Step 8
Purchase of materials
It's not about "hamster" at all, you also need to buy materials wisely. Here we will talk about blanks. You probably have duplicate details in your case. Take labels, for example. So make them bigger at once! Think about other details and elements that you can do in advance and a lot.
Step 9
Save time
Include periodic reading of planning and time management literature in your plan. And apply the principles you like. After all, time is the most precious thing we have!