The amulet doll or Vepsian doll is one of the oldest amulet dolls. For such a doll, scraps of old worn out clothes are used. For filling, use a linen tow, hemp or thread. Following the traditions of making amulet dolls, in no case should you use a needle and scissors. The fabric only needs to be torn, all the details of the doll must be tied together. The ancestors also believed that if you paint the face of a doll, an evil spirit will move into it. The amulet doll carries a special energy. The Vepsian doll is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The creation of the amulet doll is a simple and fun process. The most important thing is that there should be only positive emotions.

It is necessary
- a piece of white cotton or linen fabric 15x15 cm;
- 3-4 pieces of colored chintz 10x10 cm;
- multi-colored threads;
- cotton wool
Step 1
Place a piece of cotton wool or thread trimmings in the middle of the white piece of fabric. Pull the padding over with a piece of fabric and rewind it tightly with thread.
Step 2
Doll hands. Align the free ends of the flap, tuck a small corner inward. Mark where the doll's "palms" will be and drag with a thread.
Step 3
The doll's chest. Fill 2 flaps with veil, form into balls-breasts. Tie them together with a thread.
Tie the "chest" to the doll just below the arms. The ponytails should be at the bottom.
Step 4
Make a triangle from one piece and tie it around your head. Wrap the doll with a piece of cloth below the chest - this is the skirt. Correct it and smooth out the wrinkles.
Step 5
Tie an apron over the top of the skirt. Cut off excess threads.