How Can You Replace A Synthetic Winterizer For Stuffing A Soft Toy

How Can You Replace A Synthetic Winterizer For Stuffing A Soft Toy
How Can You Replace A Synthetic Winterizer For Stuffing A Soft Toy

You can stuff a toy with different fillers. The first thing that comes to mind is a synthetic winterizer. It is more affordable, affordable and durable. In addition to it, other synthetic materials are widely used: silicone balls or synthetic fluff. And among natural ones, wool, cotton wool, loose powder and herbs are popular.

How can you replace a synthetic winterizer for stuffing a soft toy
How can you replace a synthetic winterizer for stuffing a soft toy

Natural fillers

The first place is occupied by ordinary cotton wool. It is easy to buy at any pharmacy, it is always available and inexpensive. Cotton wool is a 100% natural product, which means that it does not harm a child or an allergy sufferer.

There are also disadvantages of such stuffing: it is quite difficult to work with cotton wool, it is not possible to distribute evenly inside the toy the first time, skill, patience and experience are required. If the first time it did not work out and you have to pull out the padding back, then it turns out that, unfortunately, the original fluffiness of the material has disappeared without a trace.

It is not recommended to wash toys stuffed with cotton wool. It will instantly lose its shape, and the material itself will become rigid. In addition, cotton wool significantly increases the weight of the toy.

Wool is another natural material that can be used for padding. You can use an old sweater, socks, mittens, or unnecessary knitting thread. It is better to stuff small toys made of dense fabrics with such material. The wool cannot be tamped tightly, so the toy itself must be uneven. For more professional stuffing, a sliver is used. This is undyed sheep's wool, it comes in the form of lumps, skeins or ribbons up to 8 cm wide.

Loose fillers - dense packing and original sound

Such fillers are used to weight toys both independently and in a company with other species. These can be rattle toys for toddlers or relaxation items for adults. The material is cereals, seeds, salt, sand, small pebbles and even husks.

There are some peculiarities of working with such fillers. First, they are sewn into a special bag before they get inside the toy. Cereals need to be thoroughly roasted in a frying pan, otherwise bugs will start in them.

The only drawback of such padding is the impossibility of washing. Anyway, any contact with water or being in a humid room is destructive for them.

Artificial fillers

An excellent material, pliable and easy to work with, is synthetic fluff. It is surprisingly soft and airy, while its consumption is much less than in the case of the same padding polyester.

There are also siliconized synthetic fluff balls, they do not cake over time, which will allow the toy to retain its attractive appearance for as long as possible. The balls are very comfortable, they quickly recover after washing. They are used to create voluminous toys made from thick, textured fabrics.

Among the undoubted advantages of modern artificial fillers, it is worth noting the shortest drying time, durability and hypoallergenicity. In addition, insects will never start inside such a toy. Well, the downside is that, after all, such materials are recyclable materials, the result of processing used plastic and other products.
