In order to depict a circus strongman, it is necessary to draw a drawing of an ordinary man of a strong physique and supplement it with details that characterize the athlete's occupation.

Step 1
Start drawing a circus strongman by constructing auxiliary parts. Draw an equilateral triangle at the top, this will be the athlete's torso. Draw two straight lines for the legs and two lines for the arms. They can be lifted up or spread apart, it depends on what your strongman is doing. Draw a circle on the horizontal side of the triangle. You will make further drawing of the body based on these elements.
Step 2
Outline the body of the strong man, he has a powerful shoulder girdle and a thin waist. You can draw muscle cubes on the abdomen if your athlete is naked to the waist.
Step 3
Draw the legs of the athlete. Demonstrating their strength and lifting weights, circus performers put their feet shoulder-width apart. Draw the collected muscles in the thighs and lower legs. Keep in mind that many circus strongmen are somewhat short-legged, since the weight of the kettlebells that they lift since childhood puts a lot of stress on the limbs and spine. In the circus, strong men perform barefoot or in soft shoes, similar to gym shoes or ballet flats.
Step 4
Draw the arms of a strong man. Draw tense muscles and swollen veins. Respect body proportions.
Step 5
Draw the head. It is no different from the head of an ordinary man, except that the strongman's neck is stronger and more powerful. Be sure to depict the mustache, their ends can be wrapped up. In the last century, athletes who performed in circuses even drew for themselves this attribute of a fearless man with coal.
Step 6
Dress your strong man in a jumpsuit. In the upper part, it resembles a T-shirt, and from the bottom it hides the legs to mid-thigh. Often such a garment was sewn from fabric in a thin strip, the pattern was placed horizontally.
Step 7
Draw kettlebells or a barbell in the hands of the strong man.
Step 8
Start coloring the picture. Highlight the muscles with color to make them appear bold and voluminous, use several shades of flesh. Make sure the muscles are symmetrical.