How To Interpret Dreams With Accidents

How To Interpret Dreams With Accidents
How To Interpret Dreams With Accidents

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Plots of night dreams can not always be remembered with joy. Sometimes the situations you see remain in your memory for a long time and cause disturbing feelings. It is not worth getting upset prematurely. Not always dreamed accidents can be bad signs.



Step 1

Any accident, if you observe it from the outside, portends bad news or sad events in life. If you had such a dream on the eve of the trip, then you should choose the safest way to travel or travel.

Step 2

If in a dream you witnessed or participated in mass poisoning, then you should pay attention to the drugs that you are using. It is better to refuse from potent medicines or replace them with safer means.

Step 3

Car accidents are signs of the need to change your attitude towards people and the world around you. You may be jealous or too aggressive.

Step 4

When interpreting dreams with accidents, first of all, one should pay attention not to the fact of a disaster or accident, but to small details. For example, if you witnessed a disaster at work, then first of all it is necessary to interpret blood, injuries, the name of the equipment, your participation in the situation - saving a person, escape or guilt in an accident.
