Scorpio is strong and balanced, mysterious and self-confident. This man is catchy, he attracts the admiring glances of the fair sex, although he himself, at first glance, is not too interested in attention. It is not an easy task to become the subject of Scorpio's feelings, however, if you learn about his preferences, it will be easier for you to make a plan of action.

Meets on clothes
First of all, Scorpio evaluates girls by their appearance. He will not be interested in the "gray mouse", but the long-legged seductive beauty will be to his taste. This zodiac sign will appreciate a woman who appreciates and loves herself: takes care of her body, buys herself the best clothes and cosmetics, not because she hopes to look more attractive, but because she believes that she is worthy of these elite products.
Scorpio values sexuality very much. He will be interested in a girl if he suspects she has an explosive temperament and sexual habits that he likes. If you want to please a guy born under the sign of Scorpio, do not hesitate to dress slightly provocatively: a neckline and a miniskirt will come in handy.
Pick up original perfumes - seductive scents arouse genuine interest in Scorpios.
Mental capacity
Scorpio prefers smart young ladies. It is not necessary that his chosen one be a candidate of sciences or occupy a senior position in her own company. She does not even have to be well versed in classical literature and be able to take integrals outright. The main thing is that she can keep up the conversation and, importantly, challenge the opinion of Scorpio. Representatives of this zodiac sign are interested in a variety of topics, from the principles of the hadron collider to the reasons for the president's divorce. If you want to take possession of the Scorpio's heart - have your opinion on any issue and do not hesitate to express it.
Judging by the appearance of women who like Scorpios, it can be assumed that a variety of female tricks and tricks arouse interest in him, but this is not so. He is attracted by sincere and straightforward, but at the same time not naive girls who know exactly what they want from life. Another character trait that delights Scorpios is adherence to principles. If you defend your position in a conversation with a man, you will certainly interest him.
Scorpio loves charismatic personalities. People without a "zest" seem insipid and boring to him.
One-sided jealousy
Don't try to pique Scorpio's interest by talking about your previous relationships, especially the positive qualities that your past men were endowed with and their outstanding deeds. Even if an interest in you began to break through in a Scorpio guy, such behavior will strangle him in the bud. The representative of this sign of the Zodiac allows himself liberties - interested glances and smiles to the beautiful ladies present in his environment. But if you start showing signs of jealousy, he will be very surprised, because for him such behavior is in the order of things.