How To Please A Sagittarius Man?

How To Please A Sagittarius Man?
How To Please A Sagittarius Man?

The Sagittarius man stands out among the noisy company for his unusual liveliness, restlessness, love of freedom and jokes. He simply cannot live without jokes and smiles. And at the same time he is so charming that no woman is able to resist him. If the Sagittarius man is also interested in you, then you will be interested to know how you can like him. And here are 10 commandments that you must keep if you want to win his heart.

how to please a Sagittarius man
how to please a Sagittarius man

1. Be well-groomed and interesting

Like any men, Sagittarius pay attention to a woman's appearance. She does not have to be beautiful, but well-groomed, bright and sexy - by all means. At the same time, it is highly desirable that a rich inner world be hidden behind an attractive "shell". Sagittarius is not interested in "dummies".

2. Have a good sense of humor

Even the most dazzling beauty will not attract the attention of such a man if she does not know how to have fun and maintain a conversation. He will also not like the woman who constantly scandals, reads lectures and clarifies the relationship. Sagittarius will try to get away from both of these persons as quickly as possible. Therefore, if you crave to please him, try to be calm, funny and welcoming. And even more often, approve the actions and actions of your chosen one, admire him, he loves this very much.

3. Be sociable

If you want to please a Sagittarius man, be ready to accompany him everywhere. Since new impressions are extremely important for the chosen one, dreams of sitting on the couch with a sweetheart in an embrace are better to be thrown aside. Otherwise, he will instantly replace you with another woman, since he has more than enough female fans. You can increase your chances of winning the heart of Sagittarius by suggesting a joint trip to a concert or an unusual walk. But, of course, you need to do this at the right moment, so as not to be mistaken for easy prey.

4. Be independent

Of course, every woman wants her beloved to be always nearby. But this trick will not work with Sagittarius. If you want to win his heart, make him a little jealous by hanging out and flirting with other men. But don't overdo it! Otherwise, your chosen one may decide that you are too windy and go in search of new prey.

5. Provide freedom

Sagittarius is a very freedom-loving nature. He will not tolerate for a long time the various antics of the woman he meets. If she begins to drive him into a corner, control behavior, be jealous, show pedantry, demand a report on his actions, show discontent, she will quickly say goodbye to her. Since there is nothing worse for him to restrict his own freedom.

6. Show understanding

A Sagittarius will only be able to build strong family relationships with a woman who can share his worldview. Beautiful young ladies who are not able to understand him or are very secretive, such a man quickly gets bored. Therefore, you should not be like them. But if you can become a good listener, are sincerely interested in his thoughts and deeds, you will be open to everything new, then, undoubtedly, you will attract the attention of your chosen one.

7. Be patient

Having fallen in love with a Sagittarius man, you must immediately reject jealousy, eccentricity, attempts to criticize your chosen one. Instead, try to treat your partner like a little child - whimsical and sometimes very ill-mannered. If that doesn't work, show your dissatisfaction half in jest. So you can save your relationship, and you save yourself some nerves.

8. Make friends with his friends and relatives

With everyone with whom Sagittarius communicates. With women and men. Since your chosen one is sensitive to friendship, he will easily part with the one that made him choose between her and his friends. Unless, of course, he made such a choice himself. What Sagittarius will definitely never forgive is ridicule or remarks towards their parents, even the most innocent ones. They are Saints for him, this must be reckoned with.

9. Be passionate and relaxed in bed

Sagittarius is one of the most loving signs of the zodiac. Such a man is difficult to compel to perform sexual feats through modesty, good manners, or well-mannered behavior. He will always be attracted to daring girls who are able to get involved in risky adventures and go beyond what is allowed in bed. Rather, they will attract him like a magnet.

10. Be nurturing

Let your Sagittarius take care of you. For him, happiness is to be the patron saint of his beloved woman. He is ready to help her 24 hours a day. And all in order to see sincere gratitude in her eyes and to feel significant. Be happy and loved. Good luck with your chosen one!
