For men born under the sign of Capricorn, such qualities as modesty, loyalty, honesty are important in women. After all, they go through life confidently and firmly, setting career growth and creating a family as their main goals.

Step 1
To please a Capricorn man, you have to be natural. Be at ease in his company, show openness and interest in communicating with him. Capricorns do not like to be lied to, so it is better to always be honest with him.
Step 2
The ideal Capricorn girl, whom he dreams of since early youth, is gentle, kind, who reminds him of his mother. Capricorn is one of the few signs that is strongly attached to the mother, she remains an ideal for him throughout his life. You can't help but like a Capricorn if you show interest in his family, and after meeting his mother, express your sincere respect for her. In no case do not speak badly about the relatives of Capricorn, this can push him away from you once and for all.
Step 3
Despite the fact that Capricorn is silent and closed in himself, he expects from the girl a sincere desire to listen to him. Know that if he opens his soul to you, then he is not indifferent to you.
Step 4
The representatives of this zodiac sign have great pride. They love to be successful, love to be praised and admired. You, like no one else, should rejoice in his victories and be proud of his successes.
Step 5
Due to natural prudence, the Capricorn man chooses the girl with whom he will be comfortable, will prefer the one who will not be too demanding of him, will be an exemplary hostess, a good mother, will not demand the impossible from him and will be happy that he next to her. At the same time, the girl may not be distinguished by unearthly beauty. If she is also attractive, Capricorn will idolize and be proud of her.
Step 6
Capricorn rarely cheats on his beloved woman. He demands exceptional loyalty from his beloved. If you want to please such a man, keep in mind that he will look at you as his peculiarity from the very beginning of the relationship and may be jealous for no reason. But this is smoothed out by the fact that the Capricorn girl lives like a stone wall, can always count on his help and support.
Step 7
To please such a man in bed, you need to be able to surprise him. Capricorn is liberated in the arms of his beloved. He will admire a woman who can give him unearthly pleasure in bed.