Small children are real "why". They are interested in absolutely everything that happens around them. They require adults to answer all their questions. For example, how to explain to a child who a knight is? It is clear that you need to tell the kid that a knight is a medieval warrior, dressed in iron armor and living in a stone castle. Of course, it will be better if an adult, in addition to stories, clearly shows the child who a knight is.

Step 1
First, on a piece of paper you need to draw a shape that resembles an egg, the lower part of which is cut off by a straight line.
Step 2
On the resulting figure from above, you need to put on a small rectangle with two rounded sides (bottom and top). So far, the result is little like a knight.
Step 3
Now, on the upper part of the large figure, on both sides, you need to draw two small semicircles (the shoulders of the future knight). All extra pencil lines should be removed with an eraser as you draw the warrior.
Step 4
Next, on the upper rectangle (knight's helmet), you need to draw an iron mask with a rectangular hole for the eyes.
Step 5
From the lower part of the knight's torso, draw two straight legs, shod in iron boots.
Step 6
Then, from one of the semicircular shoulders of the knight, coming to the fore, draw a warrior's hand, the elbow of which is protected by a round iron piece of armor, and the brush is dressed in a powerful glove.
Step 7
Round knee pads should be drawn approximately in the middle of each knight's leg.
Step 8
It is necessary to show a special protective texture on the knight's iron armor. On the body and shoes of a warrior, she is depicted in the form of narrow stripes.
Step 9
Several small holes should be drawn on the knight's mask for his normal breathing.
Step 10
Now the warrior needs to finish the visible part of the second hand. And in it depict a sharp sword.
Step 11
Behind the knight you need to draw a developing cloak.
Step 12
On the helmet of the iron warrior, it is necessary to depict three lush bird feathers.
Step 13
Knight's armor can be painted in shades of light blue and blue to simulate the color of cold iron. The warrior's cloak can be made defiantly red. The feathers on the knight's helmet can be multi-colored.